Effective Methods For Real Estate Lead Generation – Social Media Marketing For Real Estate

In this video, we’ll show you the best ways to make your real estate lead generation strategy look great.

We’ll show you how to use social media marketing for real estate lead generation in a way that will get you more leads and more sales.


Chris Bounds  00:00

What types of creative to post video image and you got text or blogs, audio slash podcasts? What do you generally recommend?

Erica  00:12

Definitely video. I mean, you’d probably agree with that.

Chris Bounds  00:15

I mean, that video is by far the highest converting type of strategy marketing. Right.

Erica  00:19

I think I read a stat somewhere that says something along the lines of 80% of what we consume on the internet is video 80%. And they’re expecting that to increase every single year, which is phenomenal. And that’s also why all of these platforms are embedding and incorporating and pushing these video features. Like Instagram, the reels came out and the IGTV. Like, they’re pushing people to do that. And there’s a reason why, because we’re consuming videos. But even more so kind of what you said, how video has this ability to hit on all these three touch points?

But I also like to point out people can see your eyeballs. And there’s something so powerful psychologically when you can look someone in the eye. And even though you can’t look at your target audience in the eye, they’re looking at you in the eye. It’s kind of like when you watch the news cast reporters or people in an interview or something and they’re sitting there talking to the camera. You instantly decide in three seconds whether or not you like that person, or whether or not you’d be willing to have a beer with them. Am I right? Because you were psychologically born that way. And in order to get that connection with people much faster than a graphic, like you were saying video is the quickest way to get that connection.

Chris Bounds  01:36

I mean, so like, what video does is it creates the credibility factor? If I’m on stage with a microphone, or on a book cover or on a video. Right. So think about like when we grew up, who’s on camera, who’s on TV, athletes, politicians, movie stars and famous people. So what happens is in business to scale a business, you either have to increase lead generation or increase conversion of the leads that you can afford to bring in. So like if you’re generating X amount of dollars are spending x amount dollars and during 10 leads a month and you close one out of 10. Most people if you say how do you scale your business and double it, they say, “Well, I spent five grand last month and I got 20 leads.” or “10, maybe spend 10, this month I get 20 leads, I get to 20.”

But what you need to start thinking about is what happens if I run out of money in time? So let’s focus on this other side of conversion. I get those same team 10 leads in. What if I can work better on my communication skill sets to create a better perception of value to work with me? Or because of credibility being on camera and having a big YouTube channel. Now, I get 2 out of 10 or 3 out of 10 same dollar spent to generate those same leads higher conversion, which brings more dollars back in the bank account, which could be put over here to scale this side.

So in the beginning of the business, you need to be focusing on conversion rates, not so much lead generation because you’re going to have a limitation leads that can come in. So what happens when you’re on camera, let’s say that I had a twin tomorrow, everything was identical 100%. Our business was same dollar spent in business, every skill sets the same. But one of us has my YouTube channel, the other one doesn’t. We talked to the same person who when they researched us online are they gonna choose to work with, the person that they can’t find or the person that’s everywhere? And that’s why you need to be out there because people are gonna look at you on the internet.

So even if you’re doing traditional marketing strategies like direct mail, door knocking or cold calling on the lead generation side, they’re gonna look at your brand and go on the internet then look you up on the conversion side. And if you got a bad rap on there, now you’re nowhere to be found. If someone else you’re competing against is you just took second place and second place doesn’t make money in business.

Erica  03:24

And that goes back to stalking. I’m like everybody stalk, we all do. You know they stalking you.

Chris Bounds  03:29

And Erica mentioned a stat on video. One stat that I have is and I forget exactly the percentage but it’s well over 50% of all videos and you know it because you do it to watch it on mute. So transcriptions is very important. And you probably know where do you watch it on mute. So making sure you’re having transcriptions to it. And we tested this out once I made the decision to every single video we put out, we  transcribed and then I started tracking it now it’s over a year in it gets a longer watch time. So just because they maybe they’re at work, maybe they’re in the bathroom, or whatever, but they’re watching it longer. But the other thing is if you’re that person who’s just super super insecure with looking at the camera, there are folks on Tik Tok that they got short term.

Even on YouTube they have videos that they’re not on camera, you hear their voice, they just do screen share and they’re showing you how to do Excel. They’re showing you how to pull comps. I did a video. I think I did like the very beginning and the very end. It did have a selfie but it didn’t need to have a selfie. All I did was take my iPhone because I didn’t bring the attachment for my nice camera. I took my iPhone and I walk through a model home. All I did was narrated, narrated it, it was walking through a model home like, “Hey, Chris bounds here over in Bridgeland, Northwest side of Houston walking through a Perry home. This is a blank Model 3500 square feet starting price, you know 600 plus 1000 or whatever.”

Just walking through talking about what I like I even pointed out things I don’t like. Ultimately, I’m transparent. And those videos I did merely because Connor said, “Hey, there’s an agent who just broke a record in Texas for sales for doing something similar.” So I was like, “I need more content.” I’ll just test it out and I’m not looking for buyers. I tested it out, put it on my channel. And after a couple of weeks or after all of the investing videos that I put a lot of sweat and tears into the little three minute Home Tour gets more views. And I’m like, “This is crazy.” So I’m gonna did a whole bunch and then it’s like out of my top 10, half of it is usually those. So any case, there’s more than one way to do a video and you could also and then you can also crop the audio. And now you have a podcast later on. Once you get traction.

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