Best Networking Tips: How to Make a Connection

In this video, we are going to discuss with you how to make connections at networking events.

These are a few of the best networking tips and tricks that we have learned over the years.


Chris Bounds  00:00

Tips on networking.


I mean, obviously, trust is something that has to be, you know, built up over time. Right. There is a lot of scammers out there. I mean, obviously take that into consideration. You just gotta get out there, you got to ask for referrals too, right? Who’s doing deals? Who’s the right outfit? Who are you know, and then same thing with passive investors who’s actually putting money in because there’s a lot of people oh, I’ve got some money. And they’re really just tire kickers, right? If you’re looking for money, again, you have to get out there and you have to look around and kind of sniff out the right people and ask for referrals. Right? Same thing, if you’re looking for deals too, right? You have to look and, you know, ask for referrals of who’s bringing the right deals, who’s got deal flow but really, man, I stumbled my way into it.

I network, like there was probably four nights out a week, I was going to a networking event, I was just blowing through business cards, I was doing a lot of follow up, and you can kind of I was a sales guy for 15 years ahead of that. I can always kind of sniff out people that are bullshitting me. That’s just a, that’s a skill that I have. So you’re gonna have to kind of, probably kiss a few frogs before that. But the point of all of that is that you need to still go out there and get it done. I know, there’s some nights where I’m like, Shit, I want to stand in the corner. Scroll on my phone and I talked anybody, trust me, I’ve been there. I don’t consider myself an overly extroverted guy, even though I’m up here on stage, right? This is taking time to build up to this. But my point is, is they just get out there and make it happen? Right? Because you have to take action. Right?

That first step is to get out, get educated, get networking, then you’re going to find the right deals and the right opportunities that you can then start making offers on, right? There’s you can get some momentum. I’m a big proponent of an in this business, right? If you get that wind in your sails, the sky is the limit. Once you stop, and you get out of the game for six to 12 months, which what was the biggest mistake that we made during COVID? We weren’t buying during 2020 was a stupid thing that we because we thought the whole damn thing was collapsing in on itself. Right? The people that were still buying in 2020 and ended early 2021 made a killing, that this guy in the back?He’s like, hey, like, me, that was me. I was making a killing.

The point I’m trying to make though, right? Is is like, don’t stop, right? Even if you’re just like, Okay, I don’t feel like doing it. Just go out there. Like work it out. Get out there network, pass out a couple business cards do the follow up, though, too. It’s not about collecting a business card deal. Right? You need to do the follow up. Those conversations were pretty valuable actually to call those people do the follow up. It’s important, right? That’s you’re gonna learn the good people, the bad people who to avoid who to do business with you, dude, if you follow those, right?

Speaker 3  02:43

I would echo some of that. I mean, obviously,  that’s common ground that we both have is we agree that networking is the way to go. Like I said earlier, telling everybody what you do, what you’re buying is, there’s a lot of power to that. I’ll post a lot of social media about,  with the memes and stuff like that also post some meaningful things. That they’ll say, hey, look, it’ll tell somebody, Hey, look, I’m still buying multifamily. I’m still buying commercial. I’m getting a lot of a lot of deals. Facebook groups is a huge one. Yeah. There’s a million of them.

There’s a lot of Facebook groups. Just go in there and just join one. Join them all. I mean, yeah, you’re going to have it kind of your newsfeed kind of cluttered. But you kind of want it that way. Right. I think that Facebook right now is just mainly for business. I’m all in and as in the in the Houston and a Texas in the, you know, countrywide forums where people would just post up deals. I’ve bought deals from this guy in Memphis that has a deal in Houston, that he’s trying to offload very cheaply. He just got he got lucky with a southern. I’m very resourceful when it comes to actually finding these deals out. Like I said, I don’t not chase down any lead, even if it seems kind of weak.

Chris Bounds  04:10

In the online and offline, they merged too. Like horses, I’m recommending these Facebook communities. I recommended that in the book Jimmy and I just came out with, it’s going in and engaging, don’t be a lurker actually engage. My strategy there would be I would filter by post, because usually it’ll it’ll filter by either relevant or newest activity, which newest activity may have like 50,70 comments or whatever, in these big groups. It doesn’t mean that you may not want to chime in there, but I would filter by post because then you’re gonna get a couple of freshest posts that maybe only have zero to five comments. The likelihood if I post my two cents, this the two cent strategy, then you’re probably gonna get noticed and they might even comment back if you give some good value. Are you they might call me back. Asking things ask thoughtful questions, whether it’s your own question or if you just want to stir up discussion in the group. Ultimately be engaged, do not spam. Do not pay. I’m trying to build my buyer’s list of all like,


I think what we’re trying to say is like, there’s networking, face to face, then there’s also some networking, especially in this day and age online, too, right?

Chris Bounds  05:26

What I was gonna tie that into is the know the offline. Now when you go to a networking meeting and I’ve said, I’ve seen you in the Facebook group, or hey, you answered my question, I’m really appreciate that. Now that connect you, it’s like-it’d be like dating but starting now you’re on the third date, where you actually already have that connection, you already know each other, there’s some past communication that’s already happened. But even beyond that, the face to face, it’s just you’re gonna get it’s more impactful 20 introverts in the room, like I don’t have to introvert. I hate networking. I really do. Like COVID being at home all day. Yes, love, love, love. Online, they’re still alive. I’m still alive. But I mean, here we are, I’ve done these because I realized that they were very impactful for my business. If you’re not hosting events, it’s really easy to do. You can do small coffees with like 5-10 people or bigger events. But if you just want to go to events, I would pick, I would go in the beginning, just go to all of them. And then you figure out the 2,3,4 the yellow like, and then you start seeing the same people.

Now the same people, those are usually people who are actually really active in the business. They’re probably not newbies or they’re doing some business. I would always go with purpose, meaning I had one or two questions that I was going to ask and usually probably the host or the answer, someone I knew would be there. Only one or two. Yes, 10 that might run away from you next time. They seem to give it to one or two and leave it at that. But you do that consistently for 12 months, like how many questions you get answered 10 point questions from someone who’s super experienced for free, actually more than free, they probably bet you. It’s a strategy. Do both online offline with emerge, build relationships, like Ben said, follow up, build that database, and provide value provide value. This stuff comes back.

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