Real Estate Marketing Tips in 2022 | SEO and Evergreen Marketing with Trevor Mauch

Is SEO dead in 2022? In this video, I discuss the SEO basics and evergreen marketing with the founder & CEO of

Watch for tactical advice how to get leads and website traffic.


Chris Bounds  00:00

I remember when this statement was made not as a question as a statement years ago, and I laughed when I first heard it, but I still hear it. I’m sure you do, too. Is SEO dead? Hey, everyone, I’m here with the one and only Trevor mock. He’s a several serial entrepreneur, marketing expert. And you probably know him as the CEO and founder of carrot, a lead generation platform for real estate professionals. How’re you doing, Trevor?

Trevor Mauch 00:31

Chris, I’m doing amazing man. And I’m pumped to be on here with you. Because just like you talking about you talking about kind of mashing the two worlds together investors and agents. That’s like one of the things man that I’m passionate about right now. So I love what you’re doing.

Chris Bounds  00:45

Yeah, and even doing the intro intro. I was like, shit, say investors and agents are, but we’re all we’re all professionals. So left in there real estate professionals. And let me start off with with a fun question. I remember when this this statement was made not as a question as a statement years ago, and I laughed when I first heard it. But I still hear it. I’m sure you do, too. Is SEO dead?

Trevor Mauch 01:12

do so here. It is good question in the internet marketing world. Here’s the thing like SEO has been dead 12 times. Yeah. Every single year, it’s gonna be apparently dead. Tik Tok is that Instagram was that Facebook was dead like six or seven years ago. And last year and three years before, you know that just like with all of it, things change. And things adjust. And I think the way that people were doing Facebook, or SEO, or any of those five years ago, or three years ago, many of the methods that were being being done, yes, sir, then the methods are but not the platform.

And so the way that I like to think about any marketing, and we’ll talk SEO, and this one specifically, is are there people still going to that platform, there might be people I want to do business with? And now the question is, how do I get in front of them the way that the platform wants me to. So they’ll reward me with the end result, I can tell you that traffic is going up to our clients sites every year not going down.

Through organic SEO, I can tell you that our clients are overwhelmingly dominating Google still today, for any motivated house seller phrases in any city in America, Canada, South Africa, and Australia. And that’s by SEO, and we’re just doing it the right way. So gaming, SEO and gaming, Google is dead, providing good value on on Google the way Google wants to to is alive and well.

Chris Bounds  02:35

Yeah. And I think it boils down to marketers destroy everything. What’s working naturally, everyone’s going to do that. Therefore, it’s going to start working less and less. So the tactics change. But the overall method or the macro marketing sense, that doesn’t.

Trevor Mauch 02:56

One thing that pops up for crit for people to Chris, where people say, Oh, my gosh, SEO is dead. And I’ve seen it in the real estate industry I’ve seen and others is, is they usually speak about it from the context of it’s really, really hard now, right? Hey, Google made it harder? Well, here’s the deal, Google still has to display search results for people. And then they’ve got these fancy things at the top that are called ads that you can pay to be there. Anybody can be there. Now. That’s a whole nother art and craft we help a lot of our clients with but on the SEO side of it, man, it’s all about content value, and relevancy. It’s like, are we building content that’s valuable for the person truly valuable for the person in whatever search they’re making? And is it relevant to their search? And so as long as we’re providing valuable content, relevant content, do Google’s gonna keep rewarding us? And is it competitive? Yeah, it is. But dude, for competitive search phrases, I was literally on a call right before this with an investment agent with one of the biggest agents in the country, or one of the biggest agents in in Maryland, probably the biggest in Baltimore, CR of Maryland, big, big, big, big business.

They also are an investor, they do about six or 7 million a year on the investment side of things, and they’ve got a big brokerage. And so they’re in one of our programs, high level programs. We’re diving into the data. And he’s coming back. He’s like, they’re getting about a 40x return on their SEO right now. 40x. Now, you don’t get that in year one. No, they’re there. They’re in their fourth year, year one you hope to break even maybe double your money, maybe year two, it’s a two to 4x. Year three, it’s a five to 10x. year four and beyond. If you do it right, they’re getting a 40x return on it. So it will have

Chris Bounds  04:39

a compounding effect when done well. And when you stay on top of it. I mean, it’s not necessarily a set it and forget it. Although Sano know some things could be in a sense. Like there’s a good transition here. Yeah, Evergreen marketing. Yep. So and you’ve talked a lot about evergreen marketing and that’s for the best. You know, a lot of the most successful agents and investors out there that have used utilize evergreen marketing ends up being a very cornerstone piece of their overall strategy. And a huge piece in the whole sense of creating more value for the end consumer. So what is evergreen marketing? For those who don’t really understand what they are? Maybe this is the first time they’ve heard that term. And how does it differ from traditional marketing.

Trevor Mauch 05:28

So evergreen marketing, the definition of evergreen basically, is something that’s perennial, kind of unchanging. And the way that we are related to with marketing is its marketing, I do one time, and it works for years, not for weeks, or days, or even months, right. And so let’s kind of look at the opposite of evergreen marketing that kind of helps give context, the opposite of evergreen marketing is what I call hamster wheel marketing. And hamster wheel marketing. The beautiful thing about a hamster wheel, like if you picture the little hamster on the wheel, the beautiful thing about a hamster wheel is it gives you immediate feedback, right? As soon as that hamster steps in that wheel, it immediately starts to move. But what happens is eventually that hamster has got to get off the darn wheel because he’s tired, right. And so the same thing happens with investors.

Same thing happens with agents, when we’re doing hamster wheel marketing marketing that we do one time that has a very limited lifespan that you’ve got to do, again, indeed, got to do again. So let’s give some examples here. So one example of hamster wheel marketing is cold calling works amazingly well, right. So any of these marketing methods I’m gonna talk about they all work. And I’m not gonna tell you guys not to do them. But what we have to recognize is what do these marketing methods do to our lifestyle? What do these marketing methods do to our business? How do these marketing methods actually dictate what the structure of our business requires and the expenses we have in the business. So if you’re to look at radio and TV works really, really good for a lot of people, okay.

But you’re gonna be bringing in lower quality leads, and you have to have the radio and TV ads going all the time to make it work. That’s cool, though, because you do you do the work. It’s like a hybrid that’s kind of between Hampshire and kind of between evergreen, you create it. And as long as you’re paying the radio station, it’s going to be up there. That’s the same thing like with a Google ad, or a Facebook ad, okay. But with radio and TV, it’s about one and 50 to one and 60 leads turns into a deal. It, which means you have to sift through a lot of low quality leads, okay? Now, if you look at cold calling, it’s about the same depending on on the method, but between one and 50 to 160 leads on the motivated house seller side, if you’re pulling a list, not like a warm, a warm group of people you already know, right?

Direct mails about one and 30 to one and 40 leads New Deal, which means you got to sift through a lot of low quality leads in order to get that deal. Facebook ads for motivated sellers, about one and 20 to 130 leads into a deal to get in a little bit better, a little more targeted, Google ads, Google PPC is about one in 10 to one and 20 leads to a deal. And then on the SEO side, it’s about one in five to one and 15 leads New Deal. And so the reason that I walk through that is on the hamster wheel marketing, oftentimes, you’re putting out a message that oftentimes is going to bring a lot of leads, low quality leads gotta sift through a lot. And I gotta keep on picking up that phone over and over over and again, to do it on the Evergreen side, then I’ll toss it back to you is content that we put out there or relationships, right? So relationships I see as evergreen marketing, that’s you going out there.

And it’s, it’s hard at the start, right? Evergreen marketing does not give you the immediate feedback, like hamster wheel marketing does, it takes time to build a bunch of relationships, it takes time to grow your rankings in Google and get the right content on there to where Google is going to recognize it. And it takes patience. But dude, once it catches on in six months, and eight months and 12 months, and year two is where things really light up with any form of evergreen marketing, whether it’s just relationship building, and networking, or online SEO. Around that 12 month mark is where the thing starts to pop. And that’s when momentum hits and you look back and go man, I’m so glad I started a year ago, but at month six, I was questioning whether I should do X I didn’t get a deal yet. And I’ve been investing into it every single month.

Chris Bounds  09:09

And it’s hard to stop that momentum. Right? Like if you do it right, not just hacked it, you found a little loophole which early internet days that was easy to do a little bit harder now. But if you’re doing what platforms want you to do, then you’ve truly earned that status that ranking like first party drinking top three searches. It’s hard to really fall off of that. At least in a short period of time. Yep, it’s been a while since I’ve Googled this and I’m not looking for motivated single family home sellers not today. But I remember doing the Evergreen piece I called it a cornerstone article.

So I had this single article on a single topic that everything else would point back to but it was basically a long form content and this specific one was on for how to do evictions in forming County. Yep. And it was a very step by step place a description of how that process works. And I think I searched for it even six months ago, and I was still I was on the first page, which I’ve done nothing. With it, I’m not even not even looking for this kind of leads, but it’s hard to turn it off, which is good, because then you can build momentum behind it,

Trevor Mauch 10:24

do it. And that’s the thing. That’s the thing with Evergreen marketing. So everyone, you might be listening to this going. Okay, that’s kind of cool. I kind of get what Trevor saying, but not really, here’s one of the benefits with Evergreen marketing versus hamster wheel is first of all, like I said, it’s a lot of work up front, right? It’s it takes requires work, but your workload goes down over time. But your ROI goes up over time. That’s the only marketing method that you have, where workload and investment goes down and ROI goes up. It skyrockets most other marketing methods, your your investment is going to stay steady, and your ROI could go up or could go down. But your investments gonna stay steady. And those right you got to pay for the direct mail, you got to pay for the the calls, you got to put in the time or hire people to do it.

And with with the way that I want people to think about it, the first thing is there’s a mindset shift, because we have to kind of get away from always thinking about just what do I need to do to get leads and deals now, right? So many investors and agents are kind of stuck in that this quarter mindset? What am I going to what am I going to do just this quarter to hit my goals and hit the revenue goals, which is great. But if we’re always stuck into this quarter mindset, then what happens next quarter? Well, you didn’t, you didn’t do what I call stacking the bricks, you didn’t stack the right bricks, to be able to build momentum, you’re always on the income hamster wheel now as well.

And then you look back and five years or 10 years or 15 years ago, man, I’m making some decent money, but I am wore out. And you can’t go on those vacations for a month or take a month off. Because you have to keep the marketing going. You’ve got to keep on picking up the phone or doing whatever it is. So yeah, Evergreen is what we built care tafa carried off of we’re an eight figure year business. And there’s shoot about 700,000 leads a year that come in through our system, the vast majority are evergreen marketing through Google searches, and are motivated house seller leads. So

Chris Bounds  12:20

we talked about a few different examples of the traditional marketing, hamster wheel marketing are more active. I will add to it driving for dollars or door knocking, those are a couple of other ways. Even texting, although it could somehow be automated, it’s still a kind of a one, it’s a one and done. What are a few examples of evergreen marketing.

Trevor Mauch 12:43

Yes, so evergreen marketing the ways that I like to do it. So I’m going to take the offline evergreen, which is relationships, and we’re going to set to the side, we’re not going to talk about that today. But that’s really good, too. We’re just going to talk about the online side of it. And the biggest thing is this is, is there’s three different types of content that I want our clients to create, that are all evergreen pieces of content, they’re all things that people are going to Google to search for. And if I can get my website in front of those Google searchers, they’re going to be very, very highly motivated, motivated clients. Okay.

And before I kind of talked about the specific types of evergreen marketing content, I want to kind of highlight to people why evergreen marketing is really really effective more than just the lead to deal close ratio, I talked about that, that you’re actually getting higher quality leads, and you you have to go through fewer leads to close the same amount of deals, once again, can be five or 10 seller leads to get to get a deal. Whereas in it might be 40 to 50 and another marketing method, which requires you or somebody to answer those 40 or 50 or 60 calls and sift through them, right. It’s either you or an employee. The other am

Chris Bounds  13:54

sorry to interrupt you, you always pay for it in time or money. So usually people are trying to spend more time in the early on, but you can you can do both.

Trevor Mauch 14:07

You should do both. You should yeah, like in the short term. And that’s something that I like to tell people is while you’re building that momentum with the Evergreen marketing you should be doing anything you can to build the business Yeah, you should drive for dollars you should you know do direct mail if that works for you in your market you should launch a Google Pay per click campaign. It’s not either or, it’s the question is what do you want to build the foundation Have you built your of your business on something that is hamsterwheel or something that’s evergreen, I’m always going to build my my foundation on evergreen and then I’m going to add to it to grow to grow scale with hamster wheel. So I’m not needed.

So the three types of content are this number one is all offline marketing you do creates online demand. Okay, so all offline marketing creates online demand if you’re doing radio ads, TV ads, if you’re doing direct mail cold calling, driving for dollars, Open House As you know, whatever the heck it is, if you’re doing any of those things, what happens is people see your company name and that postcard or they heard about you from a referral from my friend, Joe, and they pick up their cell phone, and then they Google search your company name. And if you just have a normal website, up there, a Wix site, or a broker provided site, or something that is just your cousin Eddie got up, because that he knows how to do WordPress sites. You’re going to, you’re going to end up having you’re going to be online, but the question is, are you presenting yourself in a way that actually positions you better than the competition when when people are gonna start to weigh things in.

So the first thing is evergreen content around your brand, you should have amazing about page up there, you should get a video or pictures at the very least explaining who you are, and have really, really good reviews on the website. And not just standard reviews I want you guys to write this down, is a lot of people use reviews as I’m just going to try to get the biggest, longest list of reviews that I can. That’s great. All right. But we have to we have to look at reviews and this type of evergreen content, Evergreen marketing, in a very strategic way. Reviews only exists for one reason. Reviews only exists to eliminate objections and build trust. That’s it, eliminate objections and build trust. So we have to ask the question, what are the objections that I need to overcome on my website or in my marketing, and then to cater the reviews for eliminating the top three to five objections specifically? So if you’re sitting down as an investor agent, and you go, Well, what are the what are the three to five reasons someone may not work with me? Well, let’s say that there were a wholesaler or house flipper.

Well, people might think I’m going to throw them a low offer, I’m going to lowball him, or this person over here said that to investors backed out on him. So there’s the trust of like, am I going to follow through on it? Or they might not know how the process works? And they’re just like, Is it really you can buy my house that fast? Like, Is that Is that realistic? And there’s probably a couple other ones on the investor on the agent side. It’s like, why should I work with you versus my Aunt Sally, who also has a license, and she’s going to give me a cut rate? You know, there’s a Why should I just do a Fizbo? Why can the markets hot? Like, I’ll just put it on the market myself, right? There’s all these objections. And so you need to create some evergreen content of case studies, ideally, videos, but written with pictures work well to that literally, the headline of it specifically speaks to each objection.

And I’ll give you an example. There was one I was working with the company in in Baltimore. And we were going through modifying some of their testimonials that they’ve gotten recently. And one of those objections is on the home buying side in the cash on buying side is, what are they going to give me a lowball offer, right, since prices have been high lately. So what we have and there’s an amazing testimonial off the top of it with a headline that says they actually offered me more than I was expected you expecting. And then they can go in and read the rest of that testimonial says, Hey, I came in expecting this, they actually offered more than I was expecting. And the transaction happened just like I hoped. That’s the first step of evergreen content is reviews, testimonials, and about type of content, because that’s gonna be the very biggest issue with you closing leads and deals or not, most people start on the opposite side of marketing, I always started in what’s called the decision phase. So now let’s move beyond the decision phase.

The second type of content, the evergreen content, is evergreen content that brings you traffic like extra leads, right? The the core conversion type of content I just walked you through is not going to bring you any extra traffic of people who don’t know about you. It’s just going to help convert the traffic who already knows about you better. Okay. And so now the next type is what I call location pages. So if you were to if you were to go to google and type up like homes for sale ins or any city in the country, right, you’re probably going to find Zillow, and then and maybe like a Redfin and there are like 123, in every city in America. If you go to Google and type up like commercial investment properties for sale in certain city, you’re gonna find at the top of Google for like every city in America. Okay?

If you were to type up like sell my house fast or cash homebuyers or we buy houses, insert any city in America, you’re going to find carrot clients overwhelmingly dominating Google in every city in America, or Canada, Australia and South South Africa. And the reason for that is this is location pages. So when you do that search, it’s not Zillow as homepage that ever ranks well for Google. It’s unless you literally type Zillow. It’s a page they set up specifically for that location in that niche. You know, it’s a page specifically for homes for sale in this neighborhood with a swimming pool.

Chris Bounds  19:34

It’s the long tail marketing versus short tail just because if you go too narrow, or not too narrow, too broad. I mean, you just get washed out.

Trevor Mauch 19:46

Yeah, yeah, exactly. So what I suggest people do is after you nailed those core conversion pages and got that evergreen marketing in place that is building your trust and credibility for the long term. Now we need to write down the cities that we do business and so I don’t even We speak mainly to the investor side of of the business here. If you’re buying houses or you want to start doing kind of the cash homebuyer type of program as an investor or an agent, you’re probably going to be mainly at the state and the city level. Okay? So if you’re in Oregon, I’m in the state of Oregon, I would create a page on my website or what we call an authority hub, your carrot, I would create a page my authority hub that is like sell my house fast, Oregon, right or cash home buyer companies Oregon like one of those primary keyword phrases, and then I have a good robust amount of content on there.

Now what is robust content for that type of thing, it’s about 800 to 1200 words on that page to really have a chance to compete in that type of keyword across the country. Now this is what we do at carrot right this baked into our system, we make it easy. That’s reason our clients dominating those for the seller searches. And then you would create your five or 10 City Pages. So if I invest in I would buy homes in five different cities in Oregon. I would create a page for each one of those cities now just like Zillow house, and they should kind of link together right like your My Roseburg Oregon page should link to my Oregon page. And my Oregon page should link back to my Roseburg page. I know this get is getting like a little techie, we dive into it, and in our training and do a lot of the work for you guys and some of the services but just kind of walking you through this is it’s this we reverse engineered what Zillow did what Luke net did a years and years ago, we pioneered this on the motivated house seller side about seven years ago, and it’s crushing it.

So that’s the second type of evergreen content, is you get up evergreen content that’s focused on where you do business and attracts the type of clients who are searching phrases in ways you can help them. If you’re looking at the the agent side or the buyer side, we have a lot of people using this for attracting cash buyers. Like not one of our clients, Beau Hall was out of out of Louisville, Kentucky, simply Multiple seven figure your real estate investor. And he’s a one man show other than his videographer, he’s a one man show. He does like three or 4 million a year in wholesale deals. And it’s crazy. And so if you look at it, a lot of his deals right now are coming from hedge funds. And he’s getting the deal. He’s selling the hedge funds right now. And people are asking, like, Where the heck did you find these hedge funds? Well, well, he found the hedge funds with Evergreen marketing. He launched a website on our platform, that’s a cash buyer website where you can list his discounted deals on there to sell. And it’s optimized for a phrase like discount properties or wholesale properties and Louisville.

And these hedge funds are going out there trying to find people with discount properties because they’re trying to buy volumes of deals. They found the website, they opted into it, they gave him a call. And now that’s how he locked down to his hedge funds was with getting a PageRank tying Google for discount properties or wholesale real estate in Louisville, so that you can do it with buyers, sellers, everything. The third, the third type of evergreen content, Evergreen marketing, Chris, is what I call authority content. So the first part was building trust and credibility on our core conversion pages. The second part was location or niche focused pages like Zillow does, that cast a wider net and brings in new traffic that’s hyper hyper motivated prospects? The third type is like, once someone’s on our website, how do we continue to build that authority?

And how do we use this to attract this even more? chuck chuck people to us even more in the niche, the niche II phrases, so I’ll give you an example. So let’s say that you’re an investor or an agent, and probates, or inherited properties, like one of your favorite types of deals, right? So you can if someone inherited a property, I’m in Birmingham, and I’m like, how the heck do I sell this property I inherited? I might go to google and type selling a property I inherited, how do I sell a property I inherited, I might type selling a property I inherited in Birmingham, or something like that? Well, if you were to search that phrase, or any phrase like that, selling a property inherited or selling a house inherited in Birmingham, you’re gonna find probably three or four keratocytes controlling the top of page one in Google for that phrase. And you’re going to find in many cities across America for divorce sales for not probate for all kinds of other niches. And that’s done with blog posts, or what I call a video post.

And that’s where we, we look in those cities we invest in or we look in those cities, we’re doing business in as an agent. And we say, what are the niches I would operate in, where I can create content that’s going to be evergreen, it’s going to be as relevant today as it is, you know, as relevant in two years as it is today. And then I’m going to create articles on it. Ideally, the articles are around 800 to 1000 words, because that’s kind of what Google needs to see to show it’s robust enough to get good rankings. And then you post one a week. Now you probably you probably like going, I don’t have time to write articles. I don’t want to write articles. That’s all the stuff that we do for it. Like we automate that or we have a tool that’s called video posts, which I don’t write articles anymore, but what we do is I record videos was and then we take the videos and transcribe the videos and we yank the words out of them.

And that’s another dude, that’s a great way for people to do that as you take your three to five, three to eight minute video on Hey, this is Trevor in Birmingham, Alabama, with XYZ Realty or XYZ homebuyers. If you’ve inherited a house here in Birmingham in the Birmingham market, you might be wondering how can you sell that property? What are the what’s the tax situation going to be like? Do you have to listen on the market data? Well, I’m going to answer those three questions in this video and show you how you can sell your property you inherited here in the Birmingham market, you kind of talk through that for five minutes, upload it to YouTube. And then you can bring it into a tool like we have a Caracal video post that yanks bring imports your video in, yanks all the words out and writes a blog post for you.

Chris Bounds  25:46

And so part two speak on that for a little bit. Because I talked about that all the time. Yeah, that can be done on the job, meaning you don’t necessarily have to maybe you do but you don’t have to set a part hours of your week to do though. It’s you’re going on an appointment, or you’re looking at whatever houses you’re doing a rehab on or whatever. And hey, everyone, Chris here, I’m on this property had just a meet with my contractor. We just bought it last week. He said we got termites. I missed it. He’s gonna show me what to look for the next time I see it, oh, purple bow. Those kinds of things. Yeah,

Trevor Mauch 26:22

it builds connection, right, like, that’s the thing. So people are probably going, oh, man, another thing to do. Right. So let me kind of break it down in the Evergreen side, you have to have a really, really performance driven website to make that to make this work. Because there’s the Google wants to see things set up in a certain way. They want to see websites load fast, they’ve said two and a half seconds or under is the optimal page speed. And that’s what we focus on being the fastest websites in the real estate industry. We’ve tested that way multiple times. The next thing is the content structure, like how the actual websites laid out and how the pages are and how the pages on your website link together. That’s very important. And it requires you to learn a lot of SEO knowledge, well, that’s the stuff we just like bake into the tool. But then the third parts, that conversion is making sure that the website is structured in a way to where on a cell phone or on a desktop, it’s actually set up to convert that prospect into a lead at a very, very high rate.

Because when you do, those are all little indicators that Google looks at to go man, this website’s high quality, it’s loading fast, the contents quality, it’s laid out in a make sense way. And the people are actually visiting multiple pages and becoming conversions. And those are all little indicators to help your website rank higher. And like I said, this very techy stuff, but that’s the stuff that we just take care of for our clients. And when you do it correctly, guys, this kind of this kind of the the vision here is yes, it’s going to take work. One of our clients Tyler Ford, he’s a hybrid agent investor, and he’s an eXp agent, as well down into in Tucson. And, and he calls it the 261 formula. And he’s he’s doing an amazing job with carrot and with Evergreen marketing. Right now he does about $10,000 a month in commissions 100%, from Evergreen marketing, from videos on YouTube, and then cross post them on his care agent site. And then he does about three to six deals a month on the investor side averaging 15 to $20,000 a month or 15 $20,000 a deal profit 100% evergreen, but it took a while to build up.

So 261 formula, this is the first two months you’re gonna work your butt off, okay? Like, it’s gonna be hard, it’s gonna be a lot of work. So it’s either you’re gonna do the work, and we can guide you, or you pay someone to do that work, right. So it’s gonna be a lot of work, getting that authority hub set up and getting the pages set up, right and get your location pages and, and doing the other things that you need to do to amplify things in Google. And then during that time is exactly like Chris was saying you should do hamster wheel marketing, do driving for dollars, do direct mail, pick up the phone call, do anything you need to do to get revenue coming in. And then around the six month mark, when you’re doing it, right, that’s when we see the first little kind of blip up there, you might jump from page four or page five and Google for sell my house fast Cincinnati or whatever.

But then you jump up to like the top of page two or bottom of page one around month five or six before that, dude, it’s like purgatory, you’re just going I’m doing all this work, I’m working my butt off, I’m getting no result. And that’s when most people give up. And that’s the exact time you shouldn’t. And so then you might get your first leader to run months six or seven. And then if you keep doing the right activities, things start to pop between month 11 and 14. And year two is where the magic happens. And so the to the two part lots of hard work working your butt off probably three to four hours a week in the first two months or you hire it out through services and we have those services or we can guide you to great people get your first jump up around month six I call it the ranking sprout Google you now have enough time and Google’s database they go man, I see this site I have compare or to others, it’s quality, let’s bump it up there. And then around that month 10 to 14, is when it keeps on going up there.

And you should start to close the first deals, hopefully, you know, we have people closing those way faster, and some that take a while longer. And then year two, three, and four is where the magic happens. So that’s, that’s, that’s the point, you get the freedom guys. That’s the point where like Christina Coode, lock one of our clients out of Phoenix, Arizona, where she built her business cold calling for two years. And then she built this forever green machine. It’s Mrs. Property, Mrs. She’s in Phoenix in LA now. And now she only does evergreen marketing, she hung up her cold calling phone for the final time about a year ago. And now she’s traveling the country and she still does multiple six figures a year only with Evergreen carrot leads and she doesn’t do any cold calling anymore.

Chris Bounds  30:51

Yeah, it’s truly revolutionary. And like you said, it does take time, it takes effort. But when done right, that effort becomes less and less over time. And inversely, your lead generation and your conversions will go up over time. So that’s what makes it beautiful and worth it. Well, you’ve gotten a ton a ton of value here. And your your time is valuable. So don’t want to do too much longer. We have a couple of quick cash questions that we ask everyone. If you could give your 20 year old advice, and we’re both young here, so it’s not too long ago, but your 20 year old advice, self advice, what would it be?

Trevor Mauch 31:35

Um, I think the biggest thing man is like, don’t get so focused on the outcome, but like really enjoyed the journey because as as I’ve grown as an entrepreneur, it’s very, very easy to get focused on the goal, right. And you guys have probably heard this before I was in Costa Rica is 2010. And I had a chance to watch a guy named Shri Krishna Kumar or something like that talk. And he talked about something called the if then complex. And he said, so many of us gets get stuck in this gap mentally, where we go, if this happens, then I’ll finally be x if this happens, and then I’ll finally be happy if this happens. And I’ll finally be fulfilled.

And I can tell you that anytime of hitting those financial goals thinking that the clouds are gonna part the angels are gonna sing at the million dollar mark, or, you know, a year or the million dollar a month mark, I’ve had both life didn’t change at all, like life did not change at all. And I didn’t become magically happier because of that. And I think sometimes I’ve gotten stuck in the outcome and not enjoyed the journey as much. So enjoy the enjoy the journey and outcomes there for motivation, but not for validation.

Chris Bounds  32:48

Yeah, it’s funny, that micro comes on there. It’s like, just learned a lot of the process. Gary Vee talks a lot about that, too. And then everything becomes a lot easier. What book or books have greatly influenced your

Trevor Mauch 33:03

life. I’m at different phases of my life. I’ve had different books. So you know, as I’ve grown as an entrepreneur, you have to learn different things. In the early days, it was all marketing and psychology stuff, right? And then it was like branding in, in in that kind of stuff. And now it’s leadership stuff and team building. So if I were to go all the way back though, I had a chance to have this author Bob Berg, he was on and it was the Go Giver, I absolutely love the Go Giver book. It’s simple. I think it should be like required reading for every human being or every kid in high school or college.

And it’s such a simple concept that changed my life early on, because I was so focused on getting mine, you know, when I got out of college, and I gave myself a year to become an entrepreneur, I was trying to get mine I was trying to like get enough money to pay my bills, not have to go get a job after that. Yeah, a year, where things changes when I heard that book. And I’m like, you know, it’s already not working, trying to get mine like I’m trying to, I’m not making any money, what advice go out there and just offer my services for free, and just help other people and learn. And then maybe I’ll make some money, dude, as soon as I just became a go giver. Everything changed.

Chris Bounds  34:13

heard that a lot. I’m yet to read it. But I think after this call, I’ll put that on the audible list.

Trevor Mauch 34:19

Yeah, it’s it’s simple. I’ll give you one more to I mean, there’s a lot of them out there. This is very tactical, I’m not gonna say it’s probably not as applicable to most people on here, but it was really impactful for me. But it’s called the great CEO within it’s by a tech, a tech entrepreneur guy. It’s not a popular book, but it’s amazing. It’s like so tactical. I mean, it’s like literally three sentences of you should do this in this situation. So the great CEO within and then the third one, this one goes back to 2010 or 11 for me and I had a chance to have Mike McCalla wits on our podcast a couple times, the Pumpkin Plan and I think A lot of us can relate to this.

You have multiple opportunities going on multiple pans in the fire. You think you’re doing all these great things because you have all these awesome things going on. And in the end of the day, you’re not doing any of them great. They’re all mediocre. And that happened to me in 2000 Love and 12 had way too many things going on. They’re all mediocre. I was burnout. And the Pumpkin Plan changed the way I looked at everything and helped me trim down to one thing, that one thing became carrot. And still today, I just focus on one thing. I don’t have multiple businesses that I’m actively working in or anything else and other businesses. I do nothing in them. Yeah. One pumpkin plans. Amazing.

Chris Bounds  35:39

Yeah, yeah. And that author he’s got he’s got some great books. What new belief behavior or habit is most improved your life? Maybe you just answered that. But

Trevor Mauch 35:49

um, yeah, I’m gonna go back to the the thing I said in the first one. I think as a high achieving entrepreneur, it’s very easy to be in, in the gap. A book I read called the gap and the gain recently by Dan Sullivan. really talks about that. And so this has helped me a lot. Anytime I feel like, I’m in this weird, like mental funk. Anytime I feel like I’m driving, I’m driving to the office. It’s a beautiful day, and your family is great. And I’m like, Why do I feel like this? We have an amazing business. I’m making insane amounts of money. My family is healthy. Why do I feel down and defeated right now? Because we missed a goal back here. Right? And and when I recognize that I recognize them in the gap.

And so the mindset is recognizing that when you’re in the gap, and then how do you change is focusing on the gain? You say, Okay, rather than me being in the gap, let me focus on how far have I come? How far have we come? Where was I a year ago? Where were we five years ago? Oh my god. I mean, like a dream situation right now. Why the heck am I right? Yeah. Do Why the heck am I feeling this way? So I’ll pull from that daily. Like literally, that’s a that’s a daily thing, right?

Again, it could be a five minute moment. Or it could be like an all day thing. Go, what the heck, like, why am I feeling this? It’s a manufactured fake feeling that I am. It’s a real feeling. But it’s a fake thing that I created, where I have this pressure to hit this goal, I made the darn goal up and to go that even matter, right, it’s like, gap.

Chris Bounds  37:24

Well, I think that’s very insightful for people to hear you say that, because if any, anyone that has followed you, you’re obviously very successful going to your company. But they see you where you are now not where you’ve where you’ve the journey you’ve been on, but you’re like invincible now. Just like people would look at a maybe a an Elon Musk, or Grant Cardone, or any of the great entrepreneurs or athletes or whatever their day. But yeah, they’re all humans. Yeah, they just happen to be really, really good at their craft, but they all have normal human traits, they all have funks that they go through, now that they’re celebrities that may get broadcasted.

But not everybody’s like that. You know, I never want to be like that. But in any case, we all had that thing. And so, because I relate to that, like, I get in that funk, and head to having to go back in perspective and seeing like, where I’ve come where I’m going, and worst case scenario, it’s like, man, there’s like a billion people who don’t even have running water in their house.

Trevor Mauch 38:34

That’s, that’s the thing, man, like, kind of what I’ve what I’ve gotten in what I’ve gotten to, and I’ve learned this from people over the years, is as long as you’re as long as you’re wanting to grow, right, as long as you’re wanting to grow in whatever area it could be financially could be physical fitness, it could be relationally, spiritually, whatever it is, as long as you’re wanting to grow, you are naturally creating a gap. You’re saying, I am not where I want to be in this area of my life, right?

And so we can immediately solve, being, you know, feeling down about ourselves if we just stop wanting to grow, right? It’s like, if you just if we have no ambitions to grow financially, the gap is gone. Right? All of a sudden, like peace comes to you everything is all right. And everything is how it should be. If you don’t want to improve your health, which everyone should, but then the gap is gone. Right? I’m not saying that’s I’m

Chris Bounds  39:27

not saying right, the ambition with contentment.

Trevor Mauch 39:31

Exactly. And it’s healthy to have both. That’s the thing is I don’t I don’t feel humans were put on earth to just be I think we were here to create, we are here to create and connect with people and add value and not just subtract the value. So I think it’s a healthy thing when we get in the gap. It’s not a healthy thing to stay in the gap. And that’s where I think we have a lot of entrepreneurs burning out or wondering if the entrepreneur dream is real. is we’re not going back and having the gratitude to think of oh shoot look at this position I’m in. And let me be grateful for it.

One last thought in this Chris is you kind of mentioned well shoot, you know where you are Trevor are were guys way ahead of my of I am there, they all feel it the difference between an entrepreneur making 300,000 a year and an entrepreneur making, you know, let’s say 30 million a year, or whatever the number is, is there might be some skill sets, they learned along the way, like hard skills, but mostly it’s they learn how to deal mentally, they learn how to learn the right next set of skills that every three and 10 things break at $100,000, there’s a different set of skill sets, you have to learn to get to 300,000 at $300,000 is a different set of skill sets to get to a million.

And then you have to delegate different things at a million to three, three to 10. It’s different skill set, and then you delegate different things at each level. And so as long as you can see that map, and know that threes and 10s You’re gonna have to grow, then you can then you can then start to kind of feel like you kind of you figured that you haven’t figured the game out, but at least now, the game boards in front of you say okay, I know the game now. Now I just have to figure out how to get through this.

Chris Bounds  41:14

Love it, love it. Appreciate it, you know, you’re given a lot of great content, tactical advice, really from the mental advice, which probably kills more people killed more people and what I’m talking about emotionally and drive and their vision and ultimately given up on their goals. That last bit. Really, I imagine hit home for a lot of folks. So really appreciate it. How can folks reach out to you?

Trevor Mauch 41:42

Instagram, I answer all my IG DMS there So Trevor dot mock that’s ma uch. We have a podcast the carrot cast. So carrot like the vegetable word If you guys want to check out what we do, but carrot cast and every Thursday dude like that mindset stuff. That’s what I do every Thursday on my cell phone. I call them Trevor truck talks, I take out my phone. And on my drive home, I talk and I do 10 to 15 minute podcast episode on entrepreneurship on mindset.

And Tuesdays are interviews with clients. So check out the carrot cast find me over there find me on IG and, and y’all if anyone wants to learn how to get more evergreen marketing, right like if you guys want to learn how to do I hang up the cold calling phone forever or add to it? Or is my website converting and performing? Like it should just hit us up? Now we’d be happy even if you don’t become a current member. We’re always looking to add value to people’s lives and in any way we can help let us know.

Chris Bounds  42:35

Yeah, I mean, I know quite a quite a few folks who have had poor success with just working with you, your team and with carrot so appreciate it. Well, if you do want to check out carrot more on well we’ll put a link in the notes below. Definitely check them out and thanks for watching.

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