Unveiling the Opportunities in Real Estate: The Power of AI Technology | Brent Moreno Podcast

In this episode, I talk with Brent Moreno.

Brent is a technology and AI enthusiast and writer.

He is also a digital visionary who creates consumer focused platforms that put people over profits.

The impact AI will have on not only real estate but the entire world and challenges that need to be addressed with AI tech.

We will talk about the opportunities that you can take advantage of and so much more.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a budding entrepreneur, this video offers invaluable insights into the world of real estate and the potential it holds for a successful career transition.

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Brent Moreno 00:00

With the help of AI, not only just an AI, but everyone connected and working towards the same things, we’re all moving at such a faster pace than we could possibly imagine in every single industry, which is amazing, and terrifying on multiple levels, because with good comes a lot of bad as well.

Chris Bounds  00:18

In this episode, I talk with Brent Murano. Brent is a technology and AI enthusiast and writer. He’s also a digital visionary, who creates consumer focused platforms that put people over profits, we discuss the impact that AI is going to have on not just the real estate industry, but the entire world, and the challenges that need to be addressed. As this technology emerges. We also talk about all the opportunities that are going to be created because of AI, and so much more, you’re absolutely gonna love this episode onto the show. How are you doing? Brett?

Brent Moreno 00:50

I’m doing fantastic,

Chris Bounds  00:52

but it was gonna come on on. Yeah, I’ve actually, I’ve been really excited about this one, because this is a very interesting topic that we’re gonna we’re gonna be discussing, it’s very relevant. And then there’s a lot to unpack. And there’s people who are in all kinds of extremes, like is the best thing ever, or this is absolutely the end of humanity. Maybe we’ll touch on both of those. But you’re a, you have a background in real estate, and also have background in tech, and you’re attacking AI enthusiast, which is where I think we’re gonna spend most of this conversation. But just diving right into that the heart of what your expertise is, is, how do you see AI, changing the real estate industry over the next five to 10 years? Well,

Brent Moreno 01:48

I, you know, I really hate doing like predictions, because most of them are usually going to be wrong anyways. And most researchers, especially in AI research, if you’d ask them two years ago, they would have thought where we are today would have happened, you know, five or 10 years from now. So my prediction is, is that things are exponentially increasing at a rate that we have never seen before. When it comes to tech, it’s basically Moore’s Law doubled. If you’re not familiar, Moore’s law is like every two years technology grows at a rate of basically doubling itself. We’re growing much, much faster than that. And all that can be kind of traced back to transformers, which kind of launched his whole thing back in 2017. Which is what GPT is.

When, when everything kind of started, right, ever, we had different levels of machine learning. Yeah, like computer vision would be one of them. Yes, and all these different industries that we’re all kind of focused on different solving different problems in machine with using machine learning. What transformers did is turn everything into language. And, and I don’t want to say everything into language, I mean, everything’s aid as far as like Wi Fi signals can be turned into a language to where now they can basically use those Wi Fi signals to generate an image and show you exactly like how many people were in a building, what position they’re standing in all that stuff.

So it’s pretty crazy what’s happening. They’re taking fMRI data. And obviously, it’s a brain scan, right? It’s a pattern. So from that pattern, they can basically turn that into a language that then recreates an image or recreates a movie, or recreates text that basically tells tells you exactly what I saw or what I was thinking. So it’s pretty crazy what’s happening. But as far as like how I see things going in the next five or 10 years, I do believe that in probably the next 24 months, we’ll have some form of AGI which essentially means like we’ve reached the point to where artificial intelligence is more intelligent than humans. And actually can think for themselves and do things for themselves and learn recursively we already have a lot of programs that are doing that. I mean, matter of fact chats up to

Chris Bounds  04:03

AGI artificial general intelligence, which is not consciousness but near.

Brent Moreno 04:12

Yeah, it’s not a singularity thing to where it’s like, you know, it thinks for itself and it learns how to program itself necessarily, but more so and like being able to handle any task that a human can

Chris Bounds  04:25

handle. Okay, you mentioned transformers and I heard them in another podcast. So complete, vulnerable moment. I’ve no idea what that means. And I’m sure a lot of folks in your listening to this unless they’re knee deep into this like you are they probably don’t know what that means. Can Can you unpack exactly what that is?

Brent Moreno 04:46

It’s a little difficult to explain.

Chris Bounds  04:50

Make it like, explain it. Use chat GPT to explain it to a three year old.

Brent Moreno 04:56

Actually, I’m going to do that right now.

Chris Bounds  04:58

All right, this is gonna be fun. stands for. So here we are first time on the show, we’re actually using AI for content generation.

Brent Moreno 05:09

So transformer is a special type of machine that helps GPT understanding, organizing, organize all the things that has learned it has helped GPT put words together in the right way to make sense.

Chris Bounds  05:22

So the context that I heard that in another podcast was they don’t. And I don’t know that this is true, this is what they were saying. They don’t quite understand how transformers works, it works. Yes, they just don’t understand how it works. Just kind of scary. Yeah, in case,

Brent Moreno 05:42

that’s kind of the point, that’s what I was getting at is that when they ship chat, GPT, they didn’t realize that they shipped something that could give you chemical grade, our research, lab grade level like chemistry. So like, you could get shipped with the ability to teach somebody how to create nerve gas, using basic things from you know, your local hardware stores. So they also don’t understand how it ever picked up on different languages. They only trained it on English, but all of a sudden it started learning all these languages

Chris Bounds  06:16

is related to I don’t know if it’s Google or Facebook, that they had the project where the over time, you know, eventually the the two computers were communicating to each other in a language that was no longer understandable by the engineer team that that wrote it. Yeah, essentially. Okay. Technology.

Brent Moreno 06:44

Yeah, I’m kind of in the middle here, like things. So there’s a reason why there’s a ton of talks around regulations. It’s a reason why Sam Altman just went in and did a hearing in front of the Senate committee. There’s a reason why 1000s of people signed a letter to Paul’s development, they I, I’m not a pro Paul’s person. Like, I don’t think we should pause development simply because the genies already out of the bottle, there’s already a vibrant outdoors community that is building and catching up pretty quickly to a lot of the big time, folks. Matter of fact, a lot of their projects are kind of getting sucked up into, you know, open eyes projects, and Google’s projects, and so on and so forth. But I am a, I am for pausing public deployment without really knowing what you know what the impact is. Yeah.

Chris Bounds  07:32

So in another analogy I heard it’s like, you’re just like, it’s out there. Right? It’s almost like, actually, I think Warren Buffett said this, we basically released nuclear technology, like, yeah, when when nuclear technology was introduced into the world, wherever game changing, like for the good and bad, like, there’s a lot of good stuff that happens with new nuclear technology. Also a lot of bad stuff and stuff that we’re still dealing with, either in a physical element, think Chernobyl, or just in a management, like making sure rogue third world nations don’t get hold of this stuff, or we don’t have any more like actual deployments of nukes. So it’s kind of like that, maybe?

Brent Moreno 08:17

Yeah, no, it’s 100%. Like that. And as a matter of fact, that’s like, one of the things that I push for our push a lot is that we need it an international agreement. That doesn’t mean just to be like a US thing, or a European thing or a China thing. Like, we need a nuclear level type agreement, to where we all say, This is what can be done and shouldn’t be done, and so on and so forth. Without that, then we are in for a world a world of hurt in multiple ways. Not just with like job loss, but also with putting that type of technology into warfare is also extremely dangerous.

Chris Bounds  08:56

So I want to get to the convergence of technologies. But But another thing, if we go to the positive things that AI has, so we’re talking about the negative and there is need for regulation, at least, that they definitely need to start sitting down and talking about

Brent Moreno 09:12

that’s really hard for me to say because I’m not I’m usually not like, oh, yeah, let’s go

Chris Bounds  09:16

I’m not I’m very much a libertarian ish. Like, Yeah, same. But, but in any case, um, there’s a lot of good that can come from that too. Because if you if you think about, like biotechnology and stuff like that there’s unlimited variables that can come into play with DNA and down at the molecular level, and then how things actually I’ll use it this way. I think it was Neil Neil deGrasse Tyson, who mentioned like, with the technology we have now coming forth and with AI, it will get to a point where we can prescribe prescription medicine to an individual Based on their DNA where there is no side effects, as opposed to having a best case, dosage, and then just giving them to everyone and just saying, Hey, you’re probably gonna have these, you might have these side effects, and there’s about a half a percent of you who are probably just gonna die from from taking. So instead, they’ll be able to use biotechnology, and AI and all that to make specific prescriptions just for you, based on your body. And yeah, I mean, that that kind of stuff seems really cool.

Brent Moreno 10:33

That that kind of stuff, that in fact, it took us years to map out like the first protein, it took AI, you know, a couple of weeks to map out all of them. Like they were these researchers who said, like if the leader continued with the same tech and the same resources that we had, before we had AI, assist us in this, it will take us took us hundreds of years to map out all those proteins it’s going to have a huge effect have already seen one of them. There’s one guy who was who’s, uh, who’s basically learning to reverse aging in mice, they’re able to like speed up their age, and reduce their age, fix their eyes, all kinds of things all all through the benefits of using artificial intelligence is kind of like the guide to help.

So this is going to solve a lot of problems. And it’s funny, I always kind of bring up the the Will Ferrell quote and Talladega Nights is like, you know, my high level of income and the rise of technology, it’s not crazy to think that I could live to be 200. That’s actually the world that we’re kind of heading towards. We can all live a much longer life, once we understand that, you know, how our bodies are actually made up. Because this these things have been being studied and researched for years. But with the help of AI, not only just an AI, but everyone connected and working towards the same things, we’re all moving at such a faster pace than we could possibly imagine in every single industry, which is amazing, and terrifying on multiple levels. Because with good, you comes a lot of bad as well.

So I’m just, I’m an optimist, I think we’re probably going to have be in for a rude awakening, and we’re gonna hurt and we’re gonna suffer for a little bit before we find our footing. This, that’s just typically how we like to do things like like to break a lot of things move fast, and then figure it out later. I’m optimistic that we can reach a future to where it’s kind of more of a utopia type situation, because that’s ultimately probably what we’re gonna have to do. We have to change a lot of things, we have to change education, we have to change a lot of things in our society that, you know, that are kind of the backbones of, it’s built into our DNA, it’s what we think it’s what we believe it’s how, how we view the world, all those things are changing. And they’re changing faster, all because of AI.

Chris Bounds  12:48

Yeah, and in so going back to the convergence of technology, so technologies in various sectors and various formats, you know, they’ve been growing quickly, but they’ve been very clunky as far as integrating with each other. But it seems like now we have so many technologies that are at a level that they can, they can now be seamlessly tied together to start solving massive problems. So from biotechnology, now you’ve got AI, and all these other different technologies coming in to where now we can we can seriously start tackling tackling some of these bigger issues. What are your thoughts on that?

Brent Moreno 13:31

rephrase that for me for a second.

Chris Bounds  13:33

So what are your thoughts on the convergence of technologies and relates to let’s relate it back to real estate. So the convergence of technologies with real estate, so we’ve had a lot of different technologies, take data, actually, I’m gonna push a real real big pain button. Realtors and realtors can and I’m gonna tie in with realtors individual local investors that the mom and pop home Flipper the mom and pop landlord, the mom and pop wholesale actually not landlord because some of them are owner occupants and they just accumulate one or two, but the actual investor trying to make a business as a solopreneur small operations. So you get the realtor, the local realtor and the local investor. How do you see this convergence of technologies with AI disrupting or in impacting those specific those specific jobs? Perfect.

Brent Moreno 14:40

So realtors, I mean I I do have a My Realtors license but I don’t typically list or bring in buyers for anything other than my own projects. We I mean we have 1000s and 1000s the moment I’m at the beach, we have 1000s of Realtors here right? I would say typically only about 5% There are real full timers that are doing this every single day and doing a large amount of transactions, everyone else is kind of, you know, weekend warrior, stay at home mom type situation. You know, there’s, there’s always the argument of whether or not a realtor is actually needed or not. You and I are educated in real estate, whereas most people who are buying their house for the first time don’t really have an idea. And I’m not saying Realtors do a very good job of educating people through the process, because my wife is a closing attorney. And I see the back end of that all the time as well, where everyone’s not on the same page at all times. And sometimes they only really know what was going on or what’s needed.

AI as of right now is going to help anyone that wants to be a better investor, or a better real estate agent is going to help them improve their time, they’re going to help them buy back a lot of their time. Especially when it comes to marketing, with data aggregation and collection understanding like what’s, what’s a good deal, what’s not a good deal, that stuff starting to happen to where I mean, it’s already happened for a long time. But as far as being able to aggregate that data a lot faster and create your own models based around your parameters. Like those things are happening right now that’s going to improve the workflows of investors and agents across the globe.

The problem that I see is, is that we have a lot of factors that on the bad side of things of where does the real estate market go? And what does that mean for not just lenders or for agents or for small mom and pop investors? I mean, we’re just right now we’re dealing with, you know, raising the debt ceiling. And if that doesn’t happen, or if there’s not an agreement that happens, we default for the first time in American history, and that will cause a massive global recession. If that happens.

What does that mean for jobs? What does that mean for interest rates? What does that mean for people wanting to buy houses, what that means to people who have houses, it means there’s gonna be a significant dip, who do you think’s going to come in and buy the majority of those, it’s not going to be your small mom and pop, it’s going to be your your black rocks, that are going to come in and scoop up so that I think that’s one of my biggest concerns is like, the consolidation of power and money has happened. To the point to where now we have another major issue that I think most of us are sucked up into avoid.

Chris Bounds  17:35

Yeah, that’s around 20. So my, my wife and I, we built a flipping machine. And it was working well, until it just we started seeing margins, then out, as the insurers getting hotter and hotter than in 2018. You know, we we started looking back on the hey, look, you know, this is a lot of work. And we’re not, we’re not quite making as much money as, as we used to. So we got to change things. But really what was going in the back of my head is I was looking forward, I’m like, for the first time ever, you have institutional institutions that can now invest at the local level, just like an individual. So premium real estate is for all all real estate for local. There’s so many factors. But now, due to the technology that existed and has progressed since then, it allows institutions to invest at the local level, very effectively. It’s not perfect. Zillow can tell you that all the buyers can tell you

Brent Moreno 18:42

it’s not Oh, open door. Yeah, I mean, all them can tell you,

Chris Bounds  18:45

there’s a lot of problems that still had to be solved. But the writing’s on the wall, like I don’t know if open door and offer pad and all them. I don’t know if they survive. But whether they survive or not. The model, I think survives, it survives in some form, it just evolves, it will evolve, someone will come pick up the pieces, even in the worst case scenario, if they all fall. So I want to pick up pieces and create the Amazon out of the you know, the, whatever else existed back then, or is the Google versus Ask Jeeves? So I say this, what I guess where I was getting at is we just had to shift our model into something that wasn’t really reliant on transactions or transactions at scale. That was just that was just my way to adapt and figure out how I can work with institutions. We sold some to him. We haven’t bought any from him, but that’s just how I adapted but go into like, realtors. This is the this is the question that I challenge Realtors with. If there’s information Have, or if information is needed.

And it’s publicly available. And it’s needed for a client to make a decision, then and that is your primary value add as a realtor, and you can replace Realtor with attorney with Dr. Anything if that is your primary value add you’re vulnerable, because there is nothing with today’s technology, there’s nothing that prevents someone from going on to chat GPT at some, you know, eventually this will this will get built out the same. What is the walking score, crime rate and school scores within a half mile of this intersection? Tell me the crime reports over the last six months.

Give me the demographic data, what is the trigger? What is the 15 year valuation history of this zip code? And what is the projected based on that 15 year history of what the next five to 10 years would be? And you can rephrase this question all the time. So that can be done so by AI in seconds.

Brent Moreno 21:16

kind of already. I mean, Zelos got a small peek into that now. And they’re plugging into chat GPT to where you can ask those types of

Chris Bounds  21:25

have always said this makes Realtors really mad. I’ve always said of all of the tech, like the brokers out there not not brokerages like eXp or Keller Williams, but the just the tech side of real estate. I’ve always said Zillow is in the best place to win. And that like I’m not saying it’s right. I know Realtors hate it. But they’re pretty smart. And

Brent Moreno 21:50

honestly, I think the only thing that’s keeping most Realtors alive is the fact that they lobby more money than anyone else. They do them in the NRA, the the the MLS for instance. I’m not sure the last time you looked at it, but it looks like it’s never been updated since like 1998.

Chris Bounds  22:12

I’m an EJ. We’re in Houston, AGR and it’s, I think national leaders for staying on top of like trends in tech, like our MLS is amazing. I had a great time, I went to another MLS. And I was asking the agents there’s like, hey, what do y’all use? And they were like in Trulia and Zillow, I’m like, What’s your realtors and you’re using other competition? Like this is horrible, which is that problem is why Zillow exists, right? Yeah, you’re should have done that.

Brent Moreno 22:45

Anyway, I can argue that they have a monopoly on on that as a whole. Anyways, I’m surprised I’ve been able to hold on to it for this long. I’m not I’m

Chris Bounds  22:54

there’s challenges that in court. But all in all, that’s ultimately what I was getting at is part of the problem that individual realtors, individual investors are going to have to solve. So don’t build a moat around your business, as Tom Ferry would say, build a moat around your business. And that moat can’t just be access to information because that can easily be automated. So what else is that moat, and you can brand market and you can have unique positioning and all that I don’t. I don’t personally think that Realtors go away, I think it’s way too complex of a transaction. But they’re probably gonna have to be more transactional meaning, you may end up having to sell 60 houses at a small fee, just because you’re transactional. And then there will be this small portion that are really, really, really niche. Yep. And they’ll get paid the big bucks for being ridiculously niche just like a neurosurgeon gets paid a lot more than a general practitioner. Yeah,

Brent Moreno 23:54

I tend to agree with that.

Chris Bounds  23:58

So what um, what are some of the best tools that you’re seeing folks in the real estate industry, whether realtors or investors use right now to take advantage of AI? AI tools?

Brent Moreno 24:09

I mean, look, the most obvious one and it’s it’s sad that I had to keep repeating this as obviously use chat and CBT every single day, like spend 30 minutes on it every single day. ask it questions that you have that you don’t have answers to right. I do this even still today weren’t like, I’m wondering, I’m sitting here going. I’m struggling through a problem. And I’m thinking about it. Oh, yeah, hold on. Let me just pop it in real quick and to see what kind of advice it gives me. Whether I mean, doesn’t really matter what it is. It’s because you have to consider it. I can’t kind of consider it like an expert in everything. I will hallucinate so be sure that you double check you got to know a little bit about what what it’s talking about. Certainly not lying to

Chris Bounds  24:48

you. It’s like that friend that you can you can bounce an idea off of correct

Brent Moreno 24:53

and I talked to it like that. Like I literally my conversations are very fluid and conversational with the chat bot a lot of time Um, just because I’m working through ideas, I’m working through problems I’m having, whether it be, you know, even just a mental hurdle, or you know, feeling a little down about something like it, because it’s there to remind you, like, you know, here’s the steps to kind of get out of this. Here’s the steps to do this. As a matter of fact, like, you know, I didn’t, I didn’t know anything about coding. I mean, I didn’t didn’t know a little bit like I played around with some Python and hacking and stuff like that in my earlier days, but I didn’t really know much I kind of lost interest in it when I got into marketing.

And then I went into real estate and came back and like now chat, GBT is like I’ve already built two little fun side projects, literally in a day. So if I just have an idea, I can kind of whip it up, especially in a form base. I can whip something up and throw it out there and just kind of, you know, see if anybody is interested in in spawn, like, you know, fun little projects to do. Like, I created Pong in like, 30 minutes when no one really I pretended like I knew absolutely nothing about coding, and had it walk me through the process. And I created the game Pong, Tetris, Flappy Bird, all those things in like, 30 minutes,

Chris Bounds  26:10

something that took my mind some teams of people to do 30 years I can the

Brent Moreno 26:14

ad, right. Yeah, it took, you know, an entire year or two years to develop it. Back then. And now you know, oh, somebody doesn’t know anything about anything just can come on and just create it. And I

Chris Bounds  26:26

did that too. I asked chat GPT to write me a write the code to a simple social media app. And it wrote code. Not I don’t know what it did. I didn’t test it out. But it was pretty, it was pretty cool to see it do that in 10 seconds. Also, cuz my wife’s a teacher. I asked this is when Chet GTB first came out. So she was formerly a history teacher history teacher before going into the business. And now she’s back with her kids private school, but I asked it to write a 500 word essay on George Washington, and then spit it out in like five seconds and I printed it out. I asked her I say, hey, read this. And she read it. I was like, Okay, how accurate is that she was against? That’s pretty accurate. I was like, yeah, that took three seconds. Yeah, three, three seconds. Teacher had on like, she really, really doesn’t like that. Brittany, I that. That’s another tangent

Brent Moreno 27:29

was what I was gonna wonder is like, what sort of schools take on it? We have some schools that are sitting here saying we’re banning it. Schools isn’t saying that we’re banning chat. CBT is like, that’s like banning calculators. Everyone talks about well, you know, I always want to have a calculator in your pocket.

Chris Bounds  27:46

Or, or your your Apple Watch. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it’s, it’s like it’s computers to like, our parents didn’t have computers. Now, every single classroom today, they have computers, and many of them have tablets. So like this, you have we have highways and road systems. But what’s underneath those? It’s a it’s another road system. So computer language today, you can it’s a lot easier to learn because you don’t have to learn ones and zeros. Like all everything with computer language today is just a simpler version breaks it down to something more complicated, more complicated, and it breaks it all down to ones and zeros. That’s what chat GPT does. And ultimately, it’s going to take the skills of the person to input the information to get the best results out because bad in bad out. Veteran better out right?

Brent Moreno 28:46

Yep, absolutely. I’m a firm believer like Chatterjee booty is not cheating. Obviously, you can use it for like Blyton writing. And the school should be adopting this to learn how to use it and implement it because they’re never going to there’s never going to be a day in their life where they don’t have access to it. That makes any sense. Our education system is just so outdated. And it’s it’s absurd. We haven’t really changed much since the Industrial Revolution. And we were just focused on making sure they know math and basic skills so they can go work in a factory somewhere.

We have it all wrong. And that’s the reason why we’re so far down the totem pole when it comes to education and on the global economy. But here’s the future that I tell everyone is that the one in the right of which we’re moving, because now everything is language, like I mentioned earlier, if you can describe it, you can build it, and that’s everything from applications to products, whatever, if you can describe it well enough that you can build it. And that’s where I feel like a lot of people lack and like, you know, they try chat GBT and I’m like, Oh, I use it for my listing. It’s got the numbers of beds and bathrooms but what course is not connected to the internet knows nothing about it nor what I want it to.

But if you want it to create a good, a good listing description, then you need to get really good at prompting it to give you the answer that you want. So what did I do? I created like a little form that agents can go to and they just go, you know, click a few buttons answer a few questions. I think it’s like 10 questions that can set the tone of it. And I’ve researched some of the best real estate listing copywriters and I’ve added their, their, their text to it. So whenever you spit it out, like you’re getting an expert, copyright, copy written, listening description, in a matter of seconds, versus sitting there at the screen going, Kira, what am I going to write on this house like it’s got a pool, lovely, sparkling pool,

Chris Bounds  30:48

that’s the worst thing I like, I hate it. Like you 99% of my real estate license business has been my own listings, like my own investments, but oh, it’s like the same thing. I don’t know how to make it. And then you read like really good agents that have good copywriting skills you like read that and like I want to buy that house, it just did. Very well. worded so. But I have used yet GPT. For the first one. I was like, Oh, gee, I wish this was around whenever I was flipping at scale, it would have made things a lot easier for me. But yeah, so that email subject lines I’ve used it for.

I’ve used it for entire social media posts. So something that I know what I want to talk about. So if I want to say let’s say in this case, how chat GDP is impacting real estate, then I can put it in there. And then I’ll see what it spits out. And then you make adjustments from there. Hey, and like you said, talking to it. I’m like, focus more on boom, and then it spits out another response. And then it gives me a good thoughtful piece of content to post. I’ll do it with email subject lines.

Brent Moreno 31:59

Yeah, that’s a mess. Essentially, like my I write a lot. I’m not a big I wish I was better at video and putting videos together because I’d imagined I’d have you know, 1000s of more followers. But I love to write, I always have. What this has done for me is allowed me to write much quicker. Everything that you read for me is not is not AI generated in the sense that I just asked him to write me something. I start with a baseline and I just basically create an outline. I’m like, here’s some things I’m talking about. I don’t worry about grammar, don’t worry about structure and worry about any of that. Then I ask them to clean it up. I give it a tone. It’s a polished.

Yeah, it’s a I polish, but I treat it like a freelancer, right. So if I was going to hire a copywriter, like here’s, here’s my goal, here’s what I’m trying to accomplish. Here’s my idea. Here’s my thought, I give it to it, it spits it back out and let you know, I kind of like that. I don’t like what you said this, you add some more of this to it. This is what I’m really trying to get at like and then and then I’ll ask it like, hey, shoot holes in this word. What what do I have that’s wrong with this message? Like, how can I make sure that it’s perfect, and no one could argue it? And it will give me some argument points. And then I’ll go and research some of those.

And I’ll put those in there. I bet not every single post that I do that. But every single post that I start with all has my fingerprints on it, because it’s all my ideas. It’s all it’s all my thought process written out and um, basically an outline structure that I feed in the chat GBT and it spits it back. I’m like, perfect. I do that like, so I have a local Facebook group here that has like 107,000 members in it. Because we’re a we live in a tourist town. And we go to a restaurant reviews.

Like I play around with it every now and then I’ll just like your Anthony Bourdain. And it’ll spit out like this is like boy, yeah, I’ve definitely did not use those sad words. So like, dumb it down a little bit. But like, spits out these amazing restaurant reviews because it literally legit I can I can read it. And I can just hear Anthony Bourdain reading it.

Chris Bounds  34:00

Yeah, um, one of the things tell me your thoughts on this. I think there’s a very short window period that SEO marketers can exploit. So now that we have charity, TP and by short, I don’t know if this is six months or 18 months. It’s less than a year probably. Yeah, it’s pretty tight. But if you are an SEO marketer, and you leverage chat, gee, gee GDP for your blog content or organic social content that’s searchable. So think YouTube headlines and descriptions and all that stuff. Then you got a very short window of time before the avalanche of content starts overwhelming everything and then just like social, it’s going to become whose best you got a really, really short window of time, time period. Any thoughts there?

Brent Moreno 34:59

Yeah, So I made this comment, I think yesterday or day before yesterday as like, it’s never been easier to write with SEO than it is now. Because there’s tools I know, Devin Wayne, I follow him a good bit. He’s always pretty much in the weeds when it comes to SEO. I think he, you know, I think that there are a lot of people that kind of have blinders on is like, oh, you know, SEO is not going anywhere. Like, it’s always going to be there, even if it’s in an AI chat, like it’s going to show up and like, and while that is true, but it’s understanding what that is, and what the future looks like, things are going to ship tremendously out already, my user behaviors have changed tremendously.

I very rarely go to Google for anything anymore. Why would I have I have quick to the point answers that I need right in front of me, at least as long as it’s, you know, relevant to 2021. With now, they’ve already connected it to the internet. So I have, you know, have that access to relevant news and updates now. But here’s, here’s the process, if you want to win an SEO, you get a tool, you could use chat CBT, it’s just gonna take you longer. If you want it to sound human, you need to learn prompting a little bit better. Don’t just say write me a blog post about how I can buy houses that are facing foreclosure and how I can save you like it needs, you need to learn how to structure it and what SEO content good SEO content looks like.

But if you’re already in the SEO game, and you’ve been working on it, and you’ve been chugging away, and kind of feeling like you’re getting nowhere, and you understand how to structure those articles, you can use tools that are readily available, God, there’s probably hundreds of them now, to go and find all the relevant keywords for your competitors for your local market, all this stuff. And then it’ll literally create hundreds of blogs a day, that can be posted to your website, then take that content, throw it into a product like Wonder craft that will then turn it into like a voiceover narrated podcast type style, then take that and put it into the script or to a video tool that then creates a video using images or whatever, to go through that on YouTube. So now you’re being omnipresent.

What use would take you know, years to create all that content can now take you minutes. So creating content right now is by far the easiest and best way to use, you know, tools like chat CBT and in AI. And I know everyone’s kind of hounding on that. And we’re like, well, we’re looking, everyone wants something like so new and innovative and crazy. It was like I just want you know, to be able to hit a button and you know, have hundreds of houses that were ready to sail come to my kind of my door. That’s not necessarily the way things are. We’re not moving towards that direction yet.

Chris Bounds  37:38

And we will we never will just because of competition, like right now the early movers. Yeah, early movers who are early movers just like very good, knowing what it is and how to exploit it, they will know. That’s the short window

Brent Moreno 37:53

2017 I got out of texting and 2020. Not to say that I told everyone I was like, texting still works. It still works great. I said, however, there’s just too many loopholes that are constantly having to jump through. I already know people who have been popped as like, I don’t, I don’t really want to play that game. And plus, it’s just it’s it’s too many people are doing it at one time. Now. I mean, if you own property, God, how many text messages you get a day. Like

Chris Bounds  38:21

my spam blocker is on like high. So if if you’re not in my context, good luck.

Brent Moreno 38:27

Yeah, that’s the thing carriers are getting wise to it. Right. So like, the new iOS updates, if you get a text message that seemed like it could be spam, they immediately have a button now that says report is junk. So now your your numbers flagged you have to rotate those numbers out. Now rotating numbers out doesn’t really work that way. Because you have to register your numbers. It’s just getting harder and harder and harder. So like, like any good marketer, you always have to kind of be zigging and zagging and looking for the next next thing. I am not a huge proponent of, you know, mass cold outreach. I’m just not because I feel like it’s, it’s too annoying. It’s essentially spam. Nobody wants to watch you take your phone call, if I want to sell my house, I’ll call you. Or I’ll text you or I’ll go to your website or whatever.

Now granted, I’ve gotten a lot of deals, cold calling, and a lot of deals, texting. But it’s not on a scale where I upload, you know, 1000 numbers, and I hit those in a day. It’s just not it’s just not who I am. Personally, I believe we’re headed toward a future where it’s all permission based marketing, meaning you are not allowed to reach out to me in any way shape or form unless I’ve explicitly given you permission to do so.

And that’s that’s gonna wreck a lot of things. We’ve already seen a lot of tech companies that have been backing out and having to pull out and not offer their services anymore. Now, God knows how many people who have been sued over the whole cold calling, using, you know, triple line dollars and stuff like that. Because everyone’s argument, it’s like it’s a very gray You’re not I’m not selling anything I’m offering to buy. And that’s all I’m gonna hold on. Yeah, yeah.

Chris Bounds  40:08

With you, that’s why I never really went heavy down that path. One is just not my comfort zone. And but anyway, and so yeah, there is that short time period where yeah, if you learn it just like early people on YouTube or early people on Facebook who really went after Facebook pages or early people on pay per click and Google, they were buying ridiculously high priced keywords today, but they were buying them for like two cents. And like, they win. And then they go on to the next thing when everyone else is like, ooh, super clicked

Brent Moreno 40:40

my problem. I can’t help but when I can’t help it opened my big mouth and something’s working. I gotta tell everyone, because one, I know 90% of people aren’t going to do it anyways. I was doing PPC in 2017 in South Carolina when I first got started. And I was cleaning. I mean, immediately, as soon as I’ve turned it on, I was getting phone calls and web submissions like crazy. I was like, This is freaking great. And I think I was only spending like $2,000 a month. Yeah.

And everyone kept I’d go to the RIA meetings, it was like, Well, how are you getting like so many properties like bro, PPC, like I didn’t really know anything about PPC and then I just like kind of use their templates and said, Alright, yeah, hey, let’s try this out. And next thing I know, like I was spending $10,000 a month. But it was okay, I was still getting the same amount of deals where they were just costing me more.

Chris Bounds  41:31

Yeah, it’s just the evolution. Yeah. But just couple more questions here before we wrap it up. So we talked about how you could be an early bird and get in I mean, doesn’t matter what you do this is happening. So ultimately, you’ve got to make the decision. Do you want to learn this and be ahead of it? Or are you just gonna let it roll over you and try to adapt in a very powerful way that’s coming over your business. So that’s going to happen anyway. But there’s one other aspect here. And this is what I really like about the SEO side.

Because, ultimately, SEO right now is me trying to go out there and attract you through keywords. But eventually, AI is going to have a pretty good intelligence on what’s good and bad out there in the marketplace and good and bad. I’m thinking more reputation based. So it will not require me going to a computer or going into my phone or going into my iPad to type in. When I’m in San Diego for a conference, Hey, what are pizza places around me? I can just pay Alexa order pizza and then it already knows that local shop that’s a half mile around the corner this guy 1500 4.7 star reviews.

And they have a special on Supreme for 1199. So boom, like done. Yeah. So that’ll that’ll happen. The same thing with real estate. It’s you. Who are the top real estate agents in sugar, land taxes, like and then boom, it’s gonna go boom, boom, boom. Would you like to pull numbers? Would you like me to send an email for you? I mean,

Brent Moreno 43:20

you go even deeper the AI would know your, your preferences and like what you like and the type of people you like to deal with? Yeah, you want to order massage? And they know foods that you like, I mean, like, all these things will be for

Chris Bounds  43:32

a massage. Like, they know I’m not gonna I mean, it’d be a lot for a lot of guy massage me. So it’s probably gonna say, All right, well, we’ve got Jane, Sally and Callum like, and these are their times are available. Right?

Brent Moreno 43:48

I do think we’ll have like some type of Jarvis in the next five years. And I’m not the only one that says that we might we’ll probably reach it even sooner than that. So it makes you wonder, that’s why I was my posts about SEO the other day, it was like these things would go in so many different directions. Like we might come to a point in time where we’re not, you know, relying on going to a computer to even do anything or search for anything. So what does that future look like? And not to mention the fact that we’re already introducing, you know, chat bots into search.

And they’re, you know, they’re putting ads there, which, you know, it’s user behaviors have to change a lot before we get there, but I think they’re changing fast enough. Do we have to wonder like, how do I end up in that AI chat? Like, how do I how does my business end up there? without paying for it? Is there any SEO things that I can do that that put me in that in that spot? So matter of fact, I use Bing chat the other day, I want to sell my house in Alabama for cash. And it mentioned there was a couple small mom and pops but it mentioned some ibuyers and then it said However, typical local investors lowball you. And if you want to, if your house is in decent condition, you’ll get a better offer from my buyer.

Chris Bounds  45:12

So, yeah, think about that. And, yeah, so you’ve been completely if you’re a local wholesaler, at that level, which that level is very small right now, like, it’s, I’m thinking level, as far as integration with technology and information, like, two, three years from now, it’s gonna be massively more like you’re at a business, you just don’t make money. So you have to adapt. And that’s going to require putting in your 10 hours, 20 hours of research over the next few months, taking an hour hour here, hour there. And then beyond that, just maybe 30 minutes a week just reading up on some headlines on what’s going on in implementing this. Because if you don’t, you’re gonna get left behind. So one of the one of the last questions I had for wrap up is, what resources do you recommend for folks to stay on top of these trends?

Brent Moreno 46:11

Obviously, I’d love it. If everyone subscribed to my newsletter, it’s ideations, AI, D at IO ns. It’s like ideations, but with an A. There are tons of newsletters out there that are also sharing, AI updates, I get most of my updates from Twitter, Reddit, read through some research papers, but like, I spent a good three, four hours a day putting together my newsletter. That’s not including like the going and finding the articles and the news and everything else. That’s just literally putting it all together each day. So it’s a great resource. Now, is it industry specific, no, I do share some stuff. Occasionally, whenever I find something interesting, that’s real estate related, because I know that’s majority of my audience is all real estate investors.

So I do I do try to focus in on that. I’m currently working on chatbots for your website. So that will basically work work your work, somebody come to your website, and we’ll work its way through to the lead intake process, to where we get, you know, the your four pillars, price, reason for selling condition, timeframe, all that stuff. So we’ll put that into your CRM, um, that will be my MVP. And that’s not anything special, I really wasn’t that excited about that whatsoever. The voice assistants on the other hand, is our as our big picture. And it’s what we’re really working towards. Right now we’re dealing with like some latency issues, and making sure that there’s a lot of different ways that you can kind of inject these systems. What I mean by that is like, I can prompt, inject them, meaning you can make them say and do some crazy things. So we’re trying to make sure that like, whenever we release this, it doesn’t go off into the wild and start cursing people out or anything crazy.

So that’s those are what’s coming, I think, really, for real estate investors, that should be a welcome for especially most people who are doing things so low, meaning that I could free up a lot more of my time. That’s why we’re all doing this, right. And that’s reason I got started because I wanted to be able to build a business and I can buy real estate that can then produce income that I can no longer have to work anymore, right? It used to be as long as I make $100,000 a year, I’m great. And then obviously things change. And we grow and we evolve. And we get to this point to where we want more and more and more. AI is going to help you a lot with your data aggregation, understanding what you’re looking at, like finding opportunities, I think that’s going to be one of your biggest resources when it comes to AI and when it comes to investing in AI is that there’s already copilots for stock markets that are outperforming the markets and outperforming most industry investors.

Those things are really exciting. However, when everyone has access to it, you know, it’s you gotta get in early, and you got to pay attention on what’s going on. So when you see something, you know, jump in, try it out, don’t be afraid, like test something and see if it works. And if it does great, hold on to it for a little bit before we tell everybody and then jump in and run full speed towards it. Because it won’t be long before we’re all competing on the same page. And we’re all comms whose

Chris Bounds  49:23

best then becomes as best you can, you don’t have to be best when you’re early. first wins. But after that it’s whose best right? So I’m really excited.

Brent Moreno 49:37

I mean, I know. You know there’s a lot of everyone that comes to me like wants to talk real estate and I get it because that’s my background. That’s where everybody knows me from and I really do enjoy real estate and I really do think it’s the path. The easiest path to financial freedom for anyone whether you have little or no money or education or whatever. I’m really pushing In the reason I’m doing this every single day is so new as I believe AI is the internet computer moment of my lifetime. I don’t want to miss out on it, like I wasn’t old enough to be a part of the.com Whirlwind or anything like that.

People made millions and billions, this will make more millionaires than than ever before. The problem was going to be is making sure that we get this right, that we do this safely. Because it you know, we can’t, is so funny as it sounds like you can’t lay you can’t not think about you know, Skynet or terminator or whatever. Because that is a very real possibility now kind of slim. But it is a possibility that these things kind of, you know, start to think for themselves and start going like, Well, how did we get here? How do we get out of this box?

Chris Bounds  50:52

That’s the last question I have you. You stepped all over that? What’s the possibility that AI leads robots to take over the world?

Brent Moreno 51:05

50% of AI researchers believe there’s a 10% or greater chance that that will happen. So to put that in perspective, if if you were getting on a plane and half the engineer say there’s a 10% or greater chance that this plane is not going to make it to its destination, and you all die. Do you think it’s something you would get on?

Chris Bounds  51:25

Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that. I’ve also I’ve heard a couple other arguments one was, the more intelligent I get, the less likely I am to hurt people. So that that was an argument that if AI is much smarter than we are, then no, that shouldn’t happen. But then you got the iRobot situation where they’re really just trying to protect, protect us from our own self, so they just want to protect us.

Brent Moreno 51:55

Yes, it’s like the old saying, like, be careful what you wish for you might get it, it may come true in ways you never predicted. It’s like if you say I wish I was the richest man in the world, and AI goes and kills everybody else.

Chris Bounds  52:07

Yeah, not quite what you

Brent Moreno 52:09

had in mind, not exactly what you had in mind. I mean, I think that’s, that’s my biggest concern. That’s really why I’m diving forward in this is that I want to have a seat at the table. I want to have a part in some way, shape or form. It’s not necessarily about building cool tools was, like I said the future SAS businesses also have to worry. Because if I can just build the application that I want by describing it, what do I need to pay somebody a monthly fee for

Chris Bounds  52:35

100%, I went, I was looking for terms of service agreement on my website. And I just need general language is general site. And but I wanted to put it up there because Google likes his stuff up there. And every free template required a credit card, everyone, then it just monitoring, or just came to my head, hey, Chad GTP, put in there. I told him what the website’s called, what the general target for the website is, who the owner of the website is, and said, right turn to service, three seconds, boom, I read it, made a couple of minor changes done.

Brent Moreno 53:15

I do a little fun project that I asked him, it’s like, hey, ask me all the questions that you need to get to get this to get to this goal, right? Because a lot of times it will ask them one by one. So I literally asked me until you have everything you need to XYZ. So as I say it’s a resume or a biography or whatever. I’ll just tell it like, Hey, this is my goal. This is what I’m trying to accomplish. Ask me all the questions that you need to know about me or what I’m trying to accomplish. And what I’m looking to do to be able to put this together. Right, so I did this for my pitch deck for poppin, which is the people over profits network. And that’s really what I’m pushing towards, because I believe as a whole, and this is a reason real estate doesn’t take the primary focus on me anymore, is that we’re headed towards a future to where Humans Need Not Apply.

Meaning Goldman Sachs already believes 300 million jobs are at risk to automation. I think that you know, half the jobs currently could probably be automated with using our not necessary automated but be heavily password boost. Yeah, yeah, streamline. And you’re seeing that now it’s kind of quietly happened. Matter of fact, I was starting to read an article about it earlier, about like, there’s a lot of layoffs and no one’s saying that it’s AI, but we have a sneaking suspicion that it’s AI taking their jobs. That’s coming and that’s happening. Like we have to worry about what happens when 30% of the population can’t go get a job because their career whole career the things they spent their entire lives learning or doing is no longer needed.

What what does that look like? Well, we have to create some kind of form of system that you know, a former UBI that’s something that like Sam Altman and several others have been talking about a lot lately. And what poppin does, because I’m a big data nerd is that it’s basically a social media platform to start that can spread out to multiple platforms as an ad network that we get to trade our data, our personal data, we get to lease and trade and sell and buy our personal data as we see fit. And what we should be doing, instead of being a product instead of a user, we like on things like Tic tock and Facebook and things like that. So I want to put that power back into people’s hands and redistributed 100% of the ad network. Revenue back to users and creators, for giving us permission to access their data. And they’ll be able to control what data we can see what data that can they want to share. And the more you share, and the more times it’s used in an in an ad set, the more money you make.

So it’s it’s a way to create a UBI out of thin air without taxation legislation or any real government involvement. And that’s what I’ve been working on for like the last six months, as far as building in the background is a network that can can actually be not only just profitable, but also redistribute all that data that we’re now we’re not getting anything for right now. Because data is the most valuable asset on the planet. It’s more valuable than old oil or gold 100 cent increments, and we give it away for free. Yep.

Chris Bounds  56:23

Yeah, anyone should should follow you on social media. And you’ve got great content. Appreciate the questions.

Brent Moreno 56:32

Sometimes nothing. Sometimes I lay in bed and I go and like, whatever. I’m just I’m losing it and like there’s Knight’s Tale, Cece, my wife, I’m like, she’s like, I could have went all day without you telling me that I was like, Well, we know we can all die in three or four years.

Chris Bounds  56:48

Yeah, I that’s something husbands have to or not even just husband, probably the entrepreneur or the very active mine, you learn to filter with your spouse hands, I usually don’t like we need our own support group. Alright, so these, these four questions as to everyone that comes on the show, if you could give advice to your 20 year old self, what would that be?

Brent Moreno 57:14

Who is my 20 year old self learn? Learn investing, learn about compound interest. I did not know that until I was 3132. I didn’t know anything about interest rates. I didn’t know I didn’t have any of that instilled in me when I was younger. If I have known what I know now about investing and compound interest, I’d be much better off. Not bad. I’m sitting poolside because I learned about it six, seven years ago. But that’s when I would tell myself because I didn’t have that. I didn’t have that knowledge. What book or books have greatly influenced your life. Your next five moves is a great one and Patrick but David, it’s I love that book Rich Dad Poor Dad obviously was it was a fantastic book that kind of got me started to thinking about you know, the, the quadrants and what I wanted to do with my life.

I looked ahead a lot in my current positions that I was in and I had some great positions. But like, what’s the guy that’s, you know, 10 years ahead of me that’s doing? What is he doing with his life? Was his life look like? What kind of car does he drive? What kind of vehicle does he have? Or what kind of houses he had? What’s his family? Like? Does he seem like he’s struggling? And if the answer is like, I don’t really want to be that guy in 10 years when then I’m probably not on the right path.

Chris Bounds  58:33

Like the last five years, what new belief behavior or habit has most improved your life?

Brent Moreno 58:40

New belief behavior or habit? Last Five Years, I’d say getting getting consistent. All the things and all of the things that I want to accomplish and not taking no for an answer. Okay, how can people reach out to you?

Brent Moreno 58:59

You can reach out to me through my newsletter and our or you can email me Brent at ideations that calm happy to answer any questions. Anytime I can talk AI, I’m happy to jump on, especially if it’s a broad conversation or if I can help you in your business. Those are some fun things I enjoy doing. Matter of fact, like, suddenly popping doesn’t work out. Our deal bill doesn’t do well. One of the other things that I’m tinkering with now is like I’m helping actually, I’m helping one client right now build some AI products for their for their cert for their business. So that’s kind of one of the things that I enjoy helping small business owners, whether you’re in real estate, or you need help in marketing, whatever the case might be.

Chris Bounds  59:39

Love it, love it. And really looking forward to having you at the Real Estate Wealth con 2023 In September, so I’ll have a

Brent Moreno 59:48

whole presentation specifically for real estate by then as long as we’re also here.

Chris Bounds  59:54

Awesome. Looking forward to it. Thanks for tuning in. If you got any value out of this at all, please like, comment, subscribe. Right follow I’d love to hear from you and for more real estate related content market observations upcoming events you can go to invest it x.com And subscribe to our weekly newsletter I promise you won’t regret it thanks again

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