How Relationships With Your Customers Build Business

Relationships drive business success. Business owners, especially Realtors, must have a strong connection with their community.

The strong the connection, the stronger their business.


Our plan looks a little bit like 2020. When COVID started hitting, I felt it was kind of important to go back to the basics. It’s kind of similar theme that others have said is, talking about relationships, going deep with people. One of the things that we did was, we made sure that we were human and that seems kind of strange to have to say that but we stopped trying to sell people and we stopped trying to tell people about real estate.

What we try to focus on was just being there for people. People were scared, they were freaking out, they didn’t know what was going on. There was so much uncertainty in the marketplace, there was uncertainty with jobs and health and all these other things. I took the first step it was like, I just reached out to people were like “Hey, I’m here, if you need anything.” I didn’t mention anything about real estate. I didn’t even put my real estate info on anything that I sent out.

So, there’s a text message and email, phone call, whatever it was Facebook messages, it was just like “Hey, I’m here if you need anything.” I think that really helped because people were like “OH, wow! Someone’s genuine and they’re not just trying to sell me something.” As you know, COVID started kind of going through the market, we noticed that if you just were out and engaged people, you could be out on a walk or riding a bike with the (Inaudible) early on, and you would just start to meet people. Right? We get through 2020 and we’re going into 2021, we’re a month in now and our focus is still the same as engaged with people, check on people, make sure people are okay.

While we’re going to deepen our database and it’s not just people that live around us that we need to focus on. Right? I know so many agents across the country and what’s everyone doing in California, New York, New Jersey, Michigan and other places. They’re moving to Texas, they’re moving to Houston and they’re a referral source. I think a lot of people are missing that relational aspect of “Hey, you got a friend in California that you need to check on.” You know, we have an aunt that lives out in California and like “Hey just listed a $30 million house and if we’re gonna move in Texas maybe one of the places.”

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