How Your Brand Creates Referrals And Repeat Business

Without brand you must constantly drive traffic to your business.

Once you build a strong brand though, business finds you.

Even better, you’ll generate repeat business and referrals without relying on expensive marketing campaigns.


Jennifer Hernandez

Setting up just some simple, like you’re-well number one. Setting up a business where you’re highly referred, if you can refer leads are the very, very best. I know that there’s all this online and you get all from all these different places. So the perception, when people call you or engage with you, you want whatever branding or image that you put yourself out there whether it’s online or your marketing materials, your branding.

You want to make sure that when they call you they have that same congruent feeling. A way that I do that, monster fast on the follow up. Like if we don’t get back with someone within an hour, that’s too much for me. So, habit making sure that whether it’s email, text, Facebook, that you’ve got those channels covered as far as being able to engage quickly with the prospective people that are calling you. We’re you responding quickly? I send them, I use Calendly. I don’t, I am here. They’re not paying me to advertise for them but it’s like your own personal scheduling assistant. I get in my calendar, whether it’s Calendly or something else.

I’m whipping fast with the clients in the beginning to where they’re like “oh my gosh, like she’s” you know. My email rolls over to my assistant like I have coverage. When I’m away for a couple of hours, things are running without a beat. Making sure that you’re able to quickly respond to people. Then a couple of other little things, I write a handwritten thank you note to everybody that even thought about doing business with us. They get it within a week. Okay, so like a quick turn time. After we do the consultation I do an honor call. I call it honor call where I call, thank you so much for choosing us.

I’m so honored, and they get another handwritten note. So a couple of the little things that help you stand out, because they may initially think that they’re going to use you, but they can get gobbled up by another lender or realtor in a hot minute. They never got to visit the house. If you don’t give them those warm and fuzzies, and with me, they’re like, “Oh my gosh, I made application with Jen and within a few days, I get this handwritten note with a lottery ticket in it.” that cost me a dollar. Like, it doesn’t have to cost a ton of money that says, “hey, thanks for taking a chance with us. Look forward to consulting you further.” So they’re having this feeling okay, she’s quick on follow up. She was on task.

She told me she was going to call me, I did Calendly. It said she was going to call me at 5:15. She called me at 5:15. Okay. So if you’re going to do these things make sure that you’re on task, organized, calling people when you say you’re going to call them and they’re going to start to assemble their perception of professionalism about you. I just think that the handwritten note and the call, that’s something that your competition I can tell you is not doing.

Chris Bounds 06:11

They’re not moving them into a raving fan.

Jennifer Hernandez 06:15

Yes. I’m nurturing them from the beginning and sometimes people aren’t a fit and they want to go online and they want a discount price. I just I tell them, I just don’t think we’re a fit for you. I think that you’re better. Yes, you’re better served doing online lending tree. Yes. I mean, I have told people that. If they come back, they come back. Many times, but I just. I give them the best consultation that I can, I’m going to give that to them regardless.

The best education and I’ll tell you-you haven’t asked me this yet, but I’ll just tell you. The number one thing in the last year, my business has really been kind of exploding and the one thing that has changed most drastically as I’ve started to really beef up my YouTube. The branding of you know, I got a loan with Jen logo and it’s consistent through my branding and Connor helps me-love Connor, by the way. See you all later.

Chris Bounds 07:09

No, he’s not on today but he might be listening.

Jennifer Hernandez 07:12

Yeah. Hey, Connor!

I saw Connor and I was like, I have to hire this dude to give me the shortcuts on how to get what, more presence on YouTube. I’m not doing it to be a YouTuber I’m doing it for branding. All the videos that I’ve done. Go Loan With Jen, on YouTube Loan With Jen. Please subscribe. I’ve got now a hub, a library of over 200 videos. I released two a week for the last year that basically, is educating people. So that’s-whatever your big thing is, mine is education.

I’m like-look, you’ve been referred to me. I’m going to give you the very best education possible and if we’re a fit for each other that’s fantastic. If not, that’s okay, too. We’re going to wish you well and I’m just going to know that you were referred by Chris. I’ve promised him I’m going to give you the very best education and save you hours of online research because that’s just what I do. I love it. If we’re fit free, that’s great. I’ve really adopted that as my script and that’s truly how I feel. It’s actually getting me more business.

Whatever your elevator’s pitch is, whatever your branding is, you’ve got to really make sure everything is congruent in that. Your follow up, your touch points, the handwritten note or the call. In this world of everyone’s texting, I still do some of the old school stuff. I still do the handwritten note, I still do just a call to call people even if I’m leaving them a message or send a text video. I send a lot of text videos. I believe that you have to do a little of all of it because you don’t know the recipient what they’re going to favour.

Chris Bounds 08:52

You’re going in we got like 30 seconds. You’re going where they are and you’re connecting with them. Of course you’re doing like everything works and everything doesn’t work. Direct mail works, but direct mail doesn’t work. On video work and It doesn’t work. It’s how you implement that and the broader strategy of building your brand. Definitely connect with her Loan With Jen, check out her YouTube channel. Thanks again.

Jennifer Hernandez 09:12

Thank you. Good luck.

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