Why Most Real Estate Investors Don’t Know How To Raise Capital


This is what I realized a long, long time ago. I just had this thought because I was seeing it. I was like-look, most of these wholesalers and even agents who were bringing me deals and they, but they wanted to take these deals down themselves. They could not close on deals because they did not know how to raise capital. Honestly, when I started I was working full time in corporate America, I was very busy, I was managing rehabs, I was sort of building a rental portfolio, I didn’t really have the time or the desire to be quite honest, to go out and do all this deal flow marketing and to talk to sellers and do all that kind of stuff.

That was not my strong suit. So I said, Hey, I’m just going to figure out the money side of this thing so they can bring their deals to me. That really works, so I decided, to let other people focus on marketing for the most part and I would just be the guy with the money available to close every real deal. Now, this was not my money at all. Like I said, I haven’t really gotten my story but I started while I was living in apartment, I had zero money as a credit card to buy my first house.

I was just able to begin raising private money and I knew how to acquire hard money lending as well. I was able to begin to capitalize on other people’s efforts to find these deals. Going back 10, 12, 14 years ago, properties that I still own to this day. But sadly, most of these wholesalers, in many of the agents that I worked with 13, even 14 years ago, they’re still stuck, right?

They’re still stuck wholesaling in on able to raise capital for their deals and that makes me sad because if somebody, got into real estate will have the same reason I did, which was to create wealth and to create passive income and, to create this kind of lifestyle for myself and my family that I’ve dreamed of. I know other people want to create their own version of that for themselves and their family, but they are not able to, and they’re so close. They’re so incredibly close, but they haven’t figured out this this aspect of raising money.

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