How This Busy Mom Succeeded As A New Realtor

Getting your real estate license seems like an easy way to make extra money, but it comes with a huge learning curve and time commitment.

Mallory Tidwell took that challenge head on!

Listen as Mallory talks about how she did so well in her first year as a Realtor without sacrificing commitment to her family.


Jamie Bounds 00:02

We have Mallory Tidwell. Oh, hi Mallory.

Chris Bounds 00:08

Mallory. We’re gonna bring out a little earlier. Is that okay?

Jamie Bounds 00:12

We got you on. I’ve been following you on Facebook. You’ve been doing a lot of transactions. It seems so awesome. Good to have you. A little bit about Mallory. Mallory is a wife, mom and Realtor in the Fort Walton Beach, Florida area. She’s enjoying coastal living and real estate on the Florida Panhandle. It always looks so awesome over there. The pictures you post, especially when you take your kids to the beach and it’s white sandy beaches compared to what we have here. Awesome. Thanks for joining us.

Chris Bounds 00:51

Yeah, I know we get really jealous of that. Because one, the nearest beach for several 100 miles looks nothing like that especially Galveston. Two, we’ve been there. We actually know personally how nice the Destin, Orange Beach and Pensacola. It’s so nice. We did a podcast, it was about almost nine months ago.

You were just licensed. I think you were three months in. And yeah, and you got to really quick success. That’s why I wanted to have you on or have you back because I’ve seen you’ve done more since then obviously. You have fun doing it. Living life. Selling houses. What has been something that you have noticed as a new agent going through this first year that’s helped you get that quick success?

Mallory Tidwell 01:55

I like talking with people that kind of comes natural to anybody. There this my kids. Always just cordial, saying hi, interacting and getting to know people. That can kind of help bring into promoting yourself immediately by any stretch you want to see. Weird but you’re just being out there and you’re engaging start to get to know you that builds it up. This marketing well on Facebook has been really good among people that I know that they themselves are needing some real estate help. Those two things. I don’t find it at all. It is fun to get to know people at the same time.

Chris Bounds 02:40

Yeah. And you come with sincerity. This has been a theme like the past couple guys. It’s all communication and it’s all talking with people because people buy houses. Even if it’s a company and you’re dealing with an investor’s or whatever. Those companies are run by people. If you talk with them and learn their needs, but also don’t if you come across with sincerity and you genuinely care about. We’re just talking about life like hey, jump into the beach today.

Mallory Tidwell 03:13

Eventually they have a need that you can meet and it’s fun to just chat with them when they get excited to talk about beach life. Thinking about buying a condo or we would like to move there. That’s facilitated a few transactions as well and then maybe later on Facebook and your family sitting out on the beach. That’s very gratifying.

Chris Bounds 03:36

On Facebook, have you noticed anything in particular, any type of messaging or type of engagement that’s doing? I mean maybe, it’s just the random posts on the beach? Is it been a video walkthroughs? Or just maybe, you’re talking about this gorgeous kitchen or view. Is there anything in particular that you’ve noticed really help with engagement?

Mallory Tidwell 04:02

I do a combination. I had several that just encouraged me to post this. You know, cool shower. Susan properties in Santa Rosa is absolutely beautiful under the video of really nice shower over there. Letting people kind of see the inside of places. I did do live videos, but a waltz or just tours and those are cool. Everyone likes to see a house. Like even in my house.

I like sitting outside of a house, it’s comfortable. I’ve done those and then always sharing when I put something under contract and when it’s sold so that people can see you’re active. They want to know that you’re busy and that you’re doing this frequently where you’re able to keep up and be aware of what to do and what not to do in the real estate rules world.

And also, stay active when people say that you really enjoy it and that you’re happy to help. You know, it’s been good. I think there were a 12 in the first year. It will grow and build, but I’m grateful. I’m grateful for the support and help them all of y’all in your space and make it fabulous.

Chris Bounds 05:06

Yeah. I’ve been excited to watch it. You said 12 in the first year. The last guest we have on today, she posted some type of study or whatever that most agents right now who have had their license for 12 months. They don’t have the first deal. Or maybe it was like nine months or something like that. You’ve got 12. That’s a testament to your action. I mean, everyone can accidentally get a few just because your sphere of influence but eventually you run out of friends, family, church, group and high school friends. Eventually, you have to actually do the work. You’ve done that. That’s been good.

Mallory Tidwell 05:53

 I thought there’s so much more to obtain.

Chris Bounds 05:57

Totally is. Next year, what are you looking for next year?

Mallory Tidwell 06:01

Oh, double, easily double. I don’t know. All right. Yeah.

As part of my bio, I’m a mom of two very young kids and their main everything of course Daddy has to and that’s good. But they’re in preschool for the mornings and the afternoons, I’m with them. That’s where I’m funneling my love is to my babies. But really,  something I can involve at the same time and my kids even go do some real estate stuff with me. It’s a bit of a family affair but my daughter goes into kindergarten this fall. Full-time school is a little more a part of our lives.

Chris Bounds 06:40

That’s exciting. I know. Jamie remembers when our kids were pre-school. They’d go to the flips with us. Now, if it was under construction, we had to rein them in. But when it was stage and they were remember the neighborhoods, is this the flip house? It was pre-school.

It looks like how do they remember that? But they will. They’ve loved it. And so your kids are gonna remember those times. When you visit and they’ll remember when they’re older, it’s run around long on these open house tours or whatever. Do you take pictures? We got 30 seconds. You like to take pictures or whatever and do any videos with them?

Mallory Tidwell 07:20

I will do stuff with them. My little boys three. He is involved. He’s just wild about my five year old daughter, she can do what she does well. So she can be a little bit more. She might be a little more noticed and content over brother at the moment. She’s usually not. It’s not as evolved.

Chris Bounds 07:39

Yeah, let them sell some houses for marketers. Yes. Thank you so much, Mallory. I’m just very excited about everything you’ve done and look forward to seeing you progress even further and double your business out here.

Mallory Tidwell 07:54

Thank you Chris and Jamie, appreciate the support. You take care.

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