How Real Estate Agents Should Use Social Media

Social media is the easiest and most scalable way to reach your target audience as a real estate agent.

The best way to approach a social media strategy is with engagement in mind.


Chris Bounds 00:02

Since you’re so heavy on social, this conversation with a lot of agents it gets their head spinning. Because it takes work, it takes effort. It’s not just posting Happy Groundhog Day. There’s a little bit more to it. I mean, 10 years ago that would get you 500 likes. Now, it gets you nothing. Yeah. Are you leveraging social media to build both brand and sales?

Morad Fiki 00:32

That’s a great point. I have a videographer that I work with but it’s a lot of work. You have to make the commitment, you have to post daily and you need to post your own authentic content. You’re absolutely right. 10 years ago, you could contract it out. There were companies that will auto post for you. It was just like, “Oh, well, as long as you know someone’s posting for me consistently.

The algorithm is going to pick me up.” Now, the algorithms know when a bot is just posting for you. That actually hurts your hurts your algorithm and hurts your content. That’s such a dated strategy. Where a lot of agents fail or the ones who want to maybe use social media is when they say, “Okay, I’m too busy.

I’m just gonna hire this company that’s going to post constantly for me. Then I’ll just chime in here and there.” Or “I’ll type something up. I’ll post a photo.” That’s it. The thing is people got to understand social media is meant to engage. You got to engage. You got to be engaged and engage. You’re building an audience. You want the audience. You want to feel that audience. And vice versa, you want to build relationships with that audience. It is time consuming but the rewards are great.

Chris Bounds 01:57

Yeah, it’s like outsourcing. And there are things you can outsource that aren’t there okay. I mean, I’m not good at video editing. I have someone do that for me. But the actual engagement and the content strategy. I take care of 100% upfront. it’s like you think about outsourcing that. Essentially what you’re doing is saying, “Hey, there’s a huge party in town. Would you like to go for me? Just tell me how it is.” If you connect with anyone, let me know. I’ll show up and I’ll talk to that person. It really worked that way.

Morad Fiki 02:35

Exactly. Yeah. That’s the other thing too. If you do that you’re missing an opportunity for to build an audience that is going to connect with the authentic you. If you follow my pages. When you see me go live or I do my videos that I’m being myself. I’m being who I am. I’m talking about this. I’m talking about things I enjoy. I’m hanging out at this restaurant, this bar, I’m lifting weights or I’m doing XYZ.

You follow my page. You get to know me because it’s like, “Oh, well, Morad likes to do this, that and the other.” That’s the thing that people miss if they’re not going live or if they’re not connecting with their audience with the authentic you. I think that’s the struggle that a lot of people have is just being authentic. They’re so nervous. You know, what am I gonna do? Are people gonna like me? The thing is people are gonna connect with other people they want to connect with.

Chris Bounds03:33

Be you. Be real. It’s okay. If you’re not 20 years in industry and you know everything. You can actually be the new agent and there’s a new agent will probably have him on at some point or he’s not new anymore but he was newer. I saw him just out there, content content, content content.

He was just journaling his journey and he like to be Gary Keller or some huge icon that everyone knows. He had to be him. Boom. Hey, we’re going to look at this house with some buyers and let’s take a look. He just journaling all that. It’s been effective and his business has exploded since then.

Morad Fiki 04:07

 Yeah, absolutely.

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