Using Virtual Happy Hour and Virtual Events To Build Relationships

Virtual happy hours and virtual events are common place in a post-COVID world.

In this video Haley Gant shares how she’s used online networking events to build relationships with clients.


Chris Bounds  00:02

Online. Especially on post COVID. We’re not going back. I think COVID, what it did is it puts the timeline of evolution of business and how we interact online maybe 10 years.

But this is real estate, businesses a people. I mean, it’s all the real people, both on the company side and on the consumer side.

How are you able to still maintain that important relationship between the consumer, the business and with clients that actual relationship in a virtual environment which hopefully will get like in person, there’s certain come back a little bit but at least online, how do you feel that you’re able to build that relationship without actually being there in person?

Haley Gant  00:50

Yeah. I think one of the biggest things that we’ve done is bringing in the different guest speakers that can make it more personable to all of our clients and attendees that watch our events.

I also think something but I’m kind of pretty decent at this but really getting your personality through the camera through the computer because people aren’t in a room where if they get distracted it’s very obvious who’s not paying attention. Right.

I think it’s really important that as you are hosting these online events, you keep it personable have it where people can share their cameras and things like that. I think also keeping that aspect of the community and having our clients and investors that we can still foster that networking atmosphere is huge.

I’ve actually started just really out of necessity of virtual networking happy hour. It’s twice a month. We get a lot of investors from all across the US. Everyone shares their cameras. We all have a drink together. It’s been really popular, a lot of people have come back to every single happy hour to continue to meet those new faces. I think it’s really important that you continue to put yourself out there and find those opportunities.

Quest is certainly not the only one that’s hosting this online networking events. I know you guys do a weekly one that I’ve joined a few times that I’ve met some cool people there as well. But I think that’s really important. Also, just because when you’re asking Steven a question, it kind of brought this to my mind.

We have started utilizing calendly. I don’t know if you guys out there use calendly. But it’s super easy. It’s super straightforward. It’s basically to schedule appointments and consultations with people. That for me has greatly improved my productivity because it eliminates those emails going back and forth. Oh, can you meet at 10am today? They didn’t see the email. Sorry, I missed the meeting. Can we? No, let me send you a link. Let’s book it exactly when you’re available. And it takes all of that Leeway Communication out of the process.

That is one of my biggest takeaways personally. That’s been tremendous because a lot of my job is doing business development, meeting new relations, having conversations with people to see how can we benefit each other.

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