What New Real Estate Agents Must Do To Succeed

Succeeding as a real estate agent is not an easy task.

New real estate agents must get in front as many people as possible to build their pipeline and brand.

Watch as Katie Day talks about how new Realtors can succeed.


Chris Bounds

They’re new agents and they’re being successful, what are you seeing new agents are doing to be successful in this market?

Katie Day 02:45

I think the biggest thing is getting in front of as many people as possible. Right. There’s a lot of different ways in which you can do that. I think new agents or agents that are moving to new markets, get so caught up in what do I need to do to get as many leads as possible. Right. They focus on buying leads or signing up for different programs or doing like social media ads or whatever.

All that kind of behind the scenes stuff. Right. Eventually, you may talk to someone on the phone. Eventually, you may get in front of them but like getting in front of as many people as possible. I always like free. Right. Doing open houses. Now that things are starting to open back up or are open basically in Texas. Right. Getting out to events are two different things where you’re going to meet people.

Real estate’s going to come up and those conversations are going to come up and the more people you’re able to meet. Honestly, business will come. I think that’s really difficult. Right. It’s like people do an open house once or they’ll go to one networking event or whatever it may be. They won’t pick up a buyer or any business from that event or from that open house. They’re like, Oh, this doesn’t work.

I’m never gonna do it again. But you need to do an open house when you’re a new agent every single weekend. At least one and just relentlessly follow up with all of those people. Right. The open house leads. Calling them, texting them and providing value. And then as you meet people, events and things like that.

If you have a connection, see if they want to grab coffee, see if they want to go to lunch and see what you can do to help their business and business will come for you. I think you know, real estate’s such a people business. Now that we’re in a more open world. Getting in front of as many people as possible, I think is key.

Chris Bounds 04:24

That’s the in person but you do that also socially. You’re pretty active both. It seems like virtual events or conversations or podcasts and also just general content about your business. What are some effective ways new agents can do that? Because they may not necessarily have the expertise to talk about or the inventory to personally show but what can they do?

Katie Day 04:51

Yeah. I think digitally, a lot of people run into that. Right. They have that analysis paralysis of like, Oh, I don’t have any listings. I don’t have anything going on. What should I do? I think that’s the knowledge that you have as a real estate professional is still more than most of the general population. Right. I think documenting kind of your journey and the process is super important.

You can go out and preview homes and talk about those homes. Right. Hey, do you like this kitchen or that kitchen better check out these properties I saw today, whatever it may be. Then depending on what brokerage you’re at. You normally can post your brokerages listings. So you can at least can show a newly listed home from your brokerage.

But I think again, documenting the journey and as you learn about different things, like telling people about it. It’s content. Right. It may not seem that interesting but I’ve posted things before of things that I think are super mundane about real estate. I normally get at least one or two dm for like, oh, man, I didn’t know that. Or I didn’t know you didn’t have to put down 20%.

I actually have enough money to buy a house I think, things like that. That we in real estate things that everyone understands and everyone knows but not everyone understands and knows it.

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