Building a Successful Mindset: The Journey to Entrepreneurial Success

In this video, we delve into the captivating world of entrepreneurship and unveil the secrets to building a successful mindset.

With expert advice from renowned thought leaders in the entrepreneurial realm, we’ll unveil strategies to overcome self-doubt, conquer limiting beliefs, and cultivate an unshakeable belief in your abilities.

Learn how to turn obstacles into opportunities, leverage your strengths, and develop the unwavering determination required to navigate the ever-evolving business landscape.

Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or just starting out, this captivating exploration will provide you with invaluable insights and practical strategies to propel your success to new heights.

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Phillip Thai 00:00

I paid like think like 35 or $40,000 for education course.

Chris Bounds 00:03

But you sweat when you press that button, oh, I

Phillip Thai 00:07

was actually sweating bullets, I actually didn’t have all that money in my account, I had to put a small downpayment on like, like $1,000, and then put the rest on credit cards. So I was literally looking at a pretty large sum of debt on credit cards, which is probably not a wise thing to do. But if you do it correctly, I opened a new credit card, and I kind of did the zero interest for like, certain amount of months. And then that way that gave me some breathing room to kind of work and then pay off and then also study at the same time. And then making those strives to become better and better every day.

Unfortunate builder is an online course, with a very extensive amount of resource resources that explain the business from A to Z, more or less. And so that whole first year, it was a huge grind, I would go to work. And then after work, I would come back home and study. And then that that’s pretty much my whole week. But in between those study periods, if there were days that I could go to networking events, I would definitely go there like our meetup groups, because that was part of the curriculum, they would tell us to go out meet network, to put yourself out there.

And really just to build as much individual like minded people that you know, in your network, so you can create a business together. Now, for me, I’m actually in an introvert, I never like go into networking groups, I kind of like I like I’m very fearful of them sometimes, because it’s just like a lot to take in. And so going past your own comfort zone definitely pushes you, as an individual makes you grow in tremendous ways that you may not be able to see it today. But in the future, you can look back on it like well, I did all of that because of my, my why like bold, and, and I believe that all of that your y will drive you like I’m sure everybody here knows, like, why will drive a lot of individuals to success and, and to thrive.

Chris Bounds  02:26

Yeah, yeah. And I was in a very similar situation. So in college, you know, I paid for my first guru course, if you will. And I didn’t have a job. I didn’t have a credit card. Because you in your college. It was 1500 bucks. Which to me, like, I mean, that’s, it was like 30,000 Yeah, at that time in my life. And there was I wrestled with it. But yeah, art and at that point, it was like, Oh, crap, I just gotta believe everything he says and go out there and grind. It took three months, I finally get my first deal. paid off the card, and then some so Well, that’s good. Yeah.

And then I’ve done the 30,000. I’m showing multiple masterminds over the years. So pay well, but 30,000. So it’s not that it’s a lot or it’s not allied, ultimately, it’s what are you going to make out of it? And then, of course, just quick disclosure, like, do your due diligence on these organizations that you’re wanting to join? There’s, there’s, there’s many good ones.

There’s also a lot of them out there that they’re okay, taking your money, even if it’s not right for you, or if they’re not able to fulfill what they’re promising. But I think the point is, you were at a point in your life where you knew the current path you were on isn’t the path you wanted to continue on forever. So you had to find another way. And you you did find another way. At that point, it

Phillip Thai 03:51

was okay, how do I get into this? And what do I need to do to start shifting tracks and get educated was the first thing? Yeah, that’s what you’re doing at that point, right? Most definitely.

Chris Bounds 04:06

Um, and it wasn’t as easy as it was for you for three months. It took me a whole year to get my first deal. And there were nights that I was doubting my own decisions. And that’s like, where a lot of I mean, looking back on it now. It’s funny that your mind tells you so many stories that I wasn’t aware of seeing. So like, if I had to tell a person that started today or my own self. What to look out for is yourself, because you are your worst enemy. You can sabotage those those thoughts that go through your head, if you’re not aware of those thoughts, those stories, they can ruin your life. And so I

Phillip Thai 05:00

I would definitely start, you start to question the line of obsession or delusion. Yeah, exactly. Like, that blurry line, like, where does it? Where does one end? And the other began? Yeah, I know that.

Chris Bounds 05:14

Yeah, I think everybody has that as an entrepreneur. And also just I mean, as humans too, as well. So like, kind of how I deal with it today. I write and I write them down. I write these these, these fictitious stories down and I, and I observe them, I look at them, I’m like, is this real? Or is this fake? And if it’s fake, I just kind of laugh at it. Because like, you know, I had that thought in my head. And it was like, owning me.

Phillip Thai 05:41

It was that something you started doing? I remember reading something like that in a book. And it did recommend writing them down and also recommended saying it out loud. recording it and playing it back.

Chris Bounds 05:54

Oh, I don’t do it like that. I actually have a spreadsheet. I write down like, where it happened, like location, how it got triggered. So like, like, what caused it? What time? What, what I was doing pretty much and that’s your engineer

Phillip Thai 06:11

blood coming out? Yeah. Yeah. And the actual story

Chris Bounds 06:15

that it that I know, my brain facilitated. And I just take a look at it. And I’m just like, yeah, that’s not real. So it kind of dismisses it, and it all kind of advantages away.

Phillip Thai 06:27

Yeah, that’s, that’s good, I think was David Goggins who said, he plays it back. So you could hear and I could be wrong. It could be someone else. But he plays it back, just so you can hear the bullshit story that you try to sell it tell yourself because sometimes hear because we all hear it from other people. Yeah. And then we’re like, Come on, man. Like, you can totally do this. Yeah, but for ourselves. It’s harder.

Chris Bounds 06:51

Yeah. Yeah, I think it is David Goggins. I think that you’re correct. On that one, I did read his new book. And that’s part of his whole little mantra, or his little ethos, which is just an amazing way to follow. I mean, honestly. So like, that’s like one of my biggest learning lessons as I gone through my entrepreneurial journey. And I mean, people like higher levels, they harp on mindset.

But like, I guess, as a person that’s starting, you don’t see how valuable the mindset is, for your success. Because maybe you’re starting out and you all you’re worried about is like making income because that’s what you need to do for your family or for whatever. But the mindset is, I think, more important than that, because that sets you up to make the big money. It’s 100%

Phillip Thai 07:41

More important, it’s like you have a framework of knowledge. And that’s your limitation like that this as far as you’re going to be able to grow. And only when you can expand, expand that framework. Do you begin to start breaking boundaries or previously self imposed boundaries? Tony Robbins kind of helped me or is continued as I listen to him go to events with some of those, but it’s, it’s crazy how much you read.

Here’s a good quote. I forget where it comes. I think Keith Cunningham said that, in any case, it was a living hell would be getting the end of your life. And God saying, Hey, this is how you could have lived. But this is how you chose like, this is this is what I had envisioned for you. This is what’s happened. Like, you really want that conversation.

Chris Bounds 08:44

Yeah, I don’t.

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