Financial Freedom: Why It’s Never Too Late to Start Taking Control of Your Finances

Are you tired of feeling like you’ll never be able to achieve financial freedom?

It’s time to stop feeling stuck and start taking control of your finances. In this video, we’ll explain why it’s never too late to start working towards financial freedom and provide practical tips and strategies for getting started.

Watch now to learn more.


Chris Bounds  00:00

Most of the people coming to you for this type of education, rough average, what would you say, like a like a mean, or like an average of the age?

Arianne Lemire  00:09

Probably mid 30’s.

Chris Bounds  00:11

Okay, but do you get folks that are coming to you? Like in their 50’s?

Arianne Lemire  00:16

Yeah, we do.

Chris Bounds  00:17

They’re still looking for that. But a lot of them think like, Man, I wish I would have did it then. But it doesn’t take much, it does take action. Consistently

Arianne Lemire  00:27

It does. One of one of our members, they actually started working with us last year. They’re in their mid 50’s. They just retired this year, it doesn’t have to take a whole long time, it depends from person to person. Most people who are in their 40’s or 50’s have something. Right? Whether it’s equity in your home, or maybe they bought a few rentals. Our whole philosophy is working smarter with your money, not necessarily working harder.

To be honest, most of you guys watching are already working really, really hard. It’s those little tweaks, right little changes in how you make your money work for you. Like one example we talk about with, in our YouTube and Instagram stuff is like getting a lower interest loan on maybe a renter properties, or like a line of credit on your home.

And then finding really solid investments like the guest, right before me was talking about from Class A referred returns that really in the multifamily space is very, very low risk. It’s almost the best chance you’re gonna get at that 9,10% return. If you borrow a three and you make 10, make that spread 7%. If you do that over all of the lazy money, lazy equity you have in all of your properties and all of your bank accounts, right? Just imagine how much more passive income you can make.

Chris Bounds  01:55

It makes even more sense now with inflation at seven plus percent. It’s really a no brainer. If one point then just any final comments you have. You talked about that person got financial freedom in their mid 50’s. In comparison to 65 or 70, they basically bought 15, maybe 20 years of their life. Back. You’re never too old to start this. But any final thoughts on what folks should do is maybe first or second steps in taking that path from ground zero to at least maybe the education standpoint to understanding how they can become financially free.

Arianne Lemire  02:38

Right? Yeah, well, so there’s really a short path, right. So like, the first thing we have people do is just look at their financial picture, right? If you go on our YouTube channel,, forward slash ask arianne, and you’ll see some other videos talking about this. But it’s more about seeing where you are. I think some people just shy away from it sometimes and they don’t see that, oh, I actually have this 100 Grand, I could invest with Chris, right?

Like, just look at your financial picture and see where there’s lazy money that you’re not utilizing. And then start talking to the people you meet on these events. Talk to Chris talk, to disrupt equity from before and start asking them how you can start getting involved. Because the beautiful thing about real estate is everyone’s so open, right? Like Silver’s people.

Yeah, like people want to help and there’s so many people like us, Chris, I know you too. Like we came from backgrounds where we know where you guys are, like we were just in your shoes 2,3,4 or five years ago, it’s not that long, and we actually want to help people. Just reach out like that’s probably the shortest thing I can say.

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