How To Build Your Brand, Networking, and Make Evergreen Content | Marketing Strategy

In this video, we delve into the strategies that will elevate your brand to new heights, providing invaluable tips on establishing a strong brand identity.

Learn the secrets of effective networking to expand your reach and build meaningful connections within your industry.

Additionally, discover the art of crafting evergreen content that stands the test of time, ensuring sustained relevance and engagement for your audience.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting, this video is packed with actionable insights to boost your marketing strategy and leave a lasting impact.

Tune in and take the first step towards building a brand that resonates and content that endures!


Chris Bounds  00:00

On the authenticity, you know, Coach folks on on social media all the time and I get this, well, I’m just not good on camera or, or I just don’t like doing it or I don’t know what to post. And my advice to him has always been like, you’re going to meet people, right? Like you’re actually going to meet buyer or seller, right? Okay, well, well, how would you act with them? Like, do the same thing on camera? And it’s not always 100% I mean, this camera does change things a little bit. But at the end of the day, just be you like, you don’t have to be fake. You don’t. No one out there needs to be Murad, no one needs to be me. You don’t need to be Gary Vee or Grant Cardone, or any of those people like, be you. Yeah, people, people want to know you.

Morad Fiki  00:43

Exactly. People want to know you. And they want to get to know you on a personal level, social media is a great way to condense that timeframe. So be authentic, you know, don’t don’t put up a facade be who you are, and enjoy doing it. And you know, I’ve come to feel this, like an art, this is an art form for me. So have fun with it, you know, get creative.

Chris Bounds  01:09

And you never know that there’s been plenty of folks that they have done that they felt a little awkward at first, but then they realized they just connected very well with some folks. And they’ve exploded into you know, hundreds of 1000s or millions of followers. And that may not be your goal. Maybe Maybe it is maybe it’s not. But yeah, that’s the kind of thing that can happen. And if you were to get to that level, like there’s a lot of different opportunities to come up.

But even if you have an extra from like 5000 10,000 followers, or regardless of followers, just views, these are people who are valuing what you’re putting out there, they want to connect with you in some form or fashion. And some of them may be clients, they may do business, or they may refer someone, I’m curious, and it’d be very difficult to actually put a pen to this, but how many how much of your business last year was from someone who never did business from you, but they referred the person who did do business with you, just because I saw you on social media, that second or third connection?

Morad Fiki  02:10

Yeah, I don’t have a number and exact number, but it’s definitely been a lot. You know, we definitely get a lot of referrals from people who maybe don’t know us, but they say, Man, this guy’s doing great, you should call him. So I mean, it’s just it’s a huge win. You know, you got to think of content as assets. So we know real estate is an asset, we know that, you know, I own this piece of property, it cash flows, it pays me every month, that’s an asset.

You’ve got to think of your content as assets as well. Why is that? Because that’s working for me in the background while I’m sleeping. When I’m sleeping, people can watch my content and reach out to me or think about me or so it’s doing wonders for me while I’m resting. And that’s an asset. If people thought about content as assets, they would be more focused on producing quality content that’s going to work for you while you’re sleeping.

Chris Bounds  03:10

Yeah, because like it’s like my buddy Connor Stonebrook. Trevor mock also with carrot. You know, he’s, you know, they’ve mentioned it’s evergreen content, and uncertain platforms that evergreen is more powerful like YouTube, because YouTube is the second biggest, biggest, biggest search engine in the world, owned by the number one biggest search engine in the world, Google. And yes, it’s like a fishing line in the water. Like, Oh, yeah. How long would it take you to catch a fish? You just throw one line in? If you threw one line in every single day, like Yeah, and then now you expound that over fit their years? Yeah. So you have like 900,000 Something lines in the water, and you’re catching three or four fish a day. So just produce content

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