How to Pull Free Tired Landlord Lists Using This Strategy | Real Estate Success

In this video, we’re unveiling a game-changing strategy for real estate success that will show you how to pull free tired landlord lists effortlessly.

Whether you’re a seasoned real estate investor or just starting out, this invaluable technique will help you uncover a goldmine of potential investment opportunities.

Say goodbye to expensive lists and hello to a cost-effective, efficient approach to finding motivated sellers.

Join us as we walk you through the step-by-step process and arm you with the tools you need to supercharge your real estate business.

Don’t miss out on this invaluable knowledge – hit that play button and let’s dive into the world of free tired landlord lists and real estate success!


Chris Bounds  00:00

Lead types, you kind of illustrated list stacking, you’re basically taking a data set. And then you’re layering another data set, which you mentioned, you’ll have like 19 different data sets that you can start stacking. And every time you do that, you’re going to narrow down a list. Is there any particular type of leads? And I know you mentioned arms, but from from a macro standpoint, are there any types of leads you’re seeing investors having more success with right now.

Burton Alicando  00:26

Um, right now, I am seeing a lot of tired landlords as one of the hottest searches right now, looking for tired landlords that are out of date. Obviously, you know, like you said, you know, there’s, there’s a hardship in owning property locally, you know, the further you are away from that property, you’re unloading responsibilities to property management, you’re having to rely on contractors out of state. And, you know, just being working on a fix and flip in state, you know, some people have challenges with contractors there. But now you’re dealing with a contractor out of state. So what I’ve seen is people just looking for tired landlord. But just some additional filters.

On top of that, looking for tired landlords that are currently vacant right now with an open mortgage. Why? Because hey, if no one’s there, you’re not cash flowing anymore, you’re now losing money as you’re trying to fit fill in that vacancy. So one of the hottest add on the entire landlord is making sure vacant, also has a mortgage. Another tired landlord filter I’m seeing as a tired landlords with multiple properties, we do have a numbers of property own filter in our ownership info section. So we can look for a tired landlord, that’s, for example, at a state and has five or more properties. So that property is probably the property that they least want, because it’s the furthest away from their portfolio that they might be more willing to let that one go. But tired landlords has become one of the hottest searches in the last few months, based on the data that I think

Chris Bounds  02:03

that’s so interesting, you say that, because out of the 200 deals that we bought, tired, landlords was always our best lead source. Always. Because typically, at least in my experience, the tired landlord was a reluctant landlord, meaning they either couldn’t sell their house or it just wasn’t the right market to sell it. So they moved and then just rented it. And then they, I mean, they don’t run it like a business, they just let it rent I mean, tents trash it out. And then at some point, it just becomes a such a massive headache, or they can’t lease it because they need so much remodeling and they don’t have the money. Now the other scenario is inherited, you inherit a rental, or you inherit a house that’s vacant, you try renting it out, and it doesn’t work out. So I love that.

And this with my, my eXp team, every, every week, we have coaching calls, and most of them are investors. They’re all licensed agents. Most are investors. Some of them are kind of 5050. They do a lot of investments. They also do a lot of working with clients who are investors and also retail. And they were talking about because this particular person was calling, Fizz, fizz bows. So calling fizz bows for listing leads, and he was having some success. He even got some wholesale deals out of it. But he brought up calling, he just started calling for rent by owner calling for rent by owner prospecting them for potential sales later on. Not not to sell right now. But just building that relationship for when they might want to sell, which maybe now could be a year from now. Could be a few months from now. So I thought that was

Burton Alicando  03:57

that’s genius. Like he’s booked because it’s vacant now. Yeah, exactly. planting the seed now, kind of saying, hey, you know, everything is good right now the grass is greener on your side. But you know, and people forget, you know, a landlord have to go through a lot, they have to go through, you know, drafting leases, right? They might be doing one year leases, so they have to go through tenant, the property could be destroyed while you have a tenant, right? So now you got to, you know, you got to invest money to get that property back to current condition.

And so again, people think it’s all fine to own a property because it might be cash flowing, but there’s a lot of responsibility, and being a landlord, and I think people forget about that. And so to me, I think that’s why tired landlords, in our system. It’s 15 years that’s not owner occupied, has become the hottest list because you’re dealing with people that have had to go through 15 years of penance. 15 years of remodeling the property when it was initially remodeled from the get go. Right. So I believe that one of the many reasons why the tired landlords have become very popular in the last few

Chris Bounds  04:59

years. and the approach really matters too. So if you’re going after someone who’s a pre foreclosure, and you actually get in contact with them, obviously, this is a very short timeline, they got to make a decision. And if you’re actually engaging with them, then emotionally, they’re probably pretty close to either making the decision if you can really help them out for rent by owner for sale by owner, and actual landlord or whatever, may not be as close to that it couldn’t be you never know. So but if you go in, at least this was my experience. This is definitely what I coach and what this particular investor agent that, you know, the approach he’s used, it’s been very, very successful is not approaching with any sales hat on at all 100% relationship building, how can I help you? Hey, this is who I am. Notice you got this house, been working with some folks in the area?

How can I help you need some comps? Would you like to know, you know, what your home’s worth, you know, at some other home, like, you know, if you ever were to get it sold, would you like to know what some of the other properties around you some of the upgrades that they did to get the most value wasn’t of the buyers in this particular neighborhood, what they really have been looking for one of those some things they actually don’t like, like this neighborhood, they hate polls, you don’t have a poll. So that’s good. Because people just don’t like polls and things like that, um, and he’s been able to get good, because you know, that data is fairly easy to get. And they’re getting pounded with every realtor to help them out. But he’s been, he’s able to get through the noise, because he doesn’t have a sales hat on he has a I’m just a local pro trying to help you out. Or I’m just local pro trying to see how I can help you.

Burton Alicando  06:53

I love that going in as a problem solver, not a salesman, and that key right there, you’re

Chris Bounds  06:58

filling that pipeline, just filling that pipeline, if you do that for long enough, six months, 12 months, to three years, five years. guarantee if anyone did that five years, especially if their real estate agent to because they have the ability to take both sides, they can be the investor, they can also be the agent and help them out. Of course, there’s proper disclosures you have to do, but um, do that for five years, like, very likely, after that amount of effort, like diligent effort for that loan, you probably won’t have to market much at all anymore. Because at that point, the leads from the agent side, the leads and referrals will be pretty overwhelming and consistent to where and then hopefully you’re doing proper branding. It’s where you’ve made a name for yourself, where your leads will come to you

Burton Alicando  07:50

snowball effect, right and just start getting bigger and bigger. And before you know it, all your hard work turns into avalanche and you’re just taking up the whole market. So that’s pretty awesome. I love that he takes that approach. Very effective. You know, and I personally, I’m a consumer myself, I can smell the salesman, and that immediately is a turn off for me. I like the people that approach as friends and I love that your staff is doing that, Chris that’s really really impressive.

Chris Bounds  08:16

Yeah, especially, I mean, when it’s the same script. Yeah. When it’s the same script, it’s just like, Oh, God, I mean, I’m a Sales guide. Sometimes I humor them, but I’m just like it’s painful.

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