Here is the 3rd takeaway after attending Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within! (read Part 1 and Part 2 if you missed it). Here’s the second takeaway…
Takeaway #3: Eliminate & Replace Negative Thoughts
Repetition masters skill.
You can ensure that those skills take root by:
- Full immersion: While you can learn to speak another language by studying 15 minutes a day you will learn exponentially faster fully immersing yourself in an environment where that is the only language spoken
- Ongoing growth: Even after a skill takes hold you must continue to develop it over time. Untrained muscles weaken with time.
- Priming: Outlined in Part 1, daily priming (preferably in the morning) puts you in a positive, peak state. This is a state of high energy that drives your best performance
Values control 100% of your thoughts & actions. Many of the values you hold on to (whether consciously or subconsciously) were created for you.
There are two primary two types of values & beliefs:
- Global / Generalization
- Personal Rules (If / Then)
You can reprogram your beliefs for positive change.
Write down your top 3 limiting beliefs. They can be related to relationships, money, business, career, health, self-esteem, or anything else.
Next, flip the script on those limiting beliefs and rewrite them as 3 empowering beliefs.
Here’s an example regarding health:
Limiting belief: I’ve tried everything and I never lose weight. I’ll always be overweight.
Empowering belief: I am living a healthy lifestyle. I’m showing others it is possible.
Spend 10 minutes on your limiting beliefs.
What pain would they cause if they never change. Who in your life would suffer?
What is the absolute worst possible outcome if you never change?
What if it ends up being 3x as bad? What if it was 10x as bad?
Now, tell repeat those limiting beliefs to yourself and say “It’s bullshit.”
You can change. You will change.
Next, spend 10 minutes on your empowering beliefs.
Envision yourself living those beliefs.
How does it feel? How does it affect your life and those around you?
What does it look like?
Picture yourself standing in a moment where you’re living those beliefs to the fullest.
This focus on empowerment is what you will do during your daily priming sessions.
By replacing negative thoughts once and for all with empowering thoughts, and then focusing daily on empowering thoughts you start to create a whole new identity for yourself.
Remember, repetition masters skill.