Real Estate Goals 2022 | How To Set And Achieve Your Goals in 2022

Have you ever had a dream so big, so ambitious, that you just needed to set it as your goal?

Well, We’re going to share with you how to set and achieve your goals in 2022.

From setting your goal to tracking your progress, we’re going to cover all the steps necessary for making your dream into a reality.


Morad Fiki  00:00

Real Estate is a contact sport. And that’s why there’s so many agents who are not successful because they don’t realize this is a contact sport. You have to get out there, you have to talk to people, you have to network, and specifically, talk to people who are interested in buying or selling real estate.

Jamie Bounds  00:16

Morad is a former US naval officer. And he’s a current luxury real estate agent just out there killing it, by the way, and founder of Fiki properties. I can’t wait to hear about your goals. You’ve already, you know, been crushing it and then seeing you on social media. And I can’t wait to hear your goals for the year. So, thank you for joining us.

Morad Fiki  00:39

I appreciate it. Thank you.

Chris Bounds  00:41

Absolutely. Good having you back on. So, what are your goals for real estate this year?

Morad Fiki  00:45

Well, we’re gonna sell $60 million this year, in gross little.

Chris Bounds  00:50

Real small number.

Morad Fiki  00:51

Yeah, no, no, I appreciate it. Yes. So, last year, we ended the year very close to 20 million. And, you know, we’re growing the team. So, definitely looking to expand our, you know, our team and our leverage, and, you know, we have someone who just started with us. So, you know, that’s gonna allow us to scale. And, you know, I mean, if we don’t hit 60 million in sales this year, it’s just gonna be disappointing because there’s no way we’re not hitting that.

Chris Bounds  01:23

Well done. That’s how you do it, right? You burn the bridges sound like you’ve already done that.

Morad Fiki  01:28


Chris Bounds  01:29

What…- Go ahead.

Morad Fiki  01:31

Yeah. And then just expanding the reach on social media, you know, getting, you know, taking our brand to a new level. You know, I love using social media because it just allows us to connect with people all over the world.

Chris Bounds  01:45

Yeah, and you crush it with that on really every  platform that I see you on. I don’t know. Are you on Tik Tok, too?

Morad Fiki  01:53

Yeah. I’m gonna get more active on Tik Tok, but I definitely am.

Chris Bounds  01:57

You would do so. Like, connect with me on Tik Tok, I do not do Tik Tok the best but I see some other influencers and agents and investors like doing really, really well. And we’re gonna be pivoting our strategy on there. But I think with what you do an image in the brain you built, you would absolutely crush it. Especially with the beautiful houses that you’re selling. Like, you would just crush it. There’s I mean, come on 100,000 followers on Tik Tok this time next year. You got it.

Morad Fiki  02:24

Oh, for sure. 1 million nude.

Chris Bounds  02:27

1 million hit will come.

Morad Fiki  02:29

 Yeah. No, definitely. No I have fun with Tik Tok. I’m still, you know, wetting my beak and learning how to use it. It’s very different than other platforms. Yeah. But it’s fun. You can have fun with it. I feel like I can just be authentic and raw.

Chris Bounds  02:46

Yeah. I mean, that’s the game. So, what do you do to keep yourself on track? Like, so 60 million, they just set that goal and forget it and like work towards it. Like, what are you doing to make sure that, “Hey, we’re on track”, or maybe at half-time in January, we’re like, “Hey, we need to do this and this differently”, or “we’re a little bit behind pace”, and what do you do to keep yourself on track?

Morad Fiki  03:14

Listings, listings, listings. Listings is leverage, you know. I focus on being a listing agent. I definitely do work with buyers, but really focusing heavily on listings. He who controls the inventory controls the market.

Chris Bounds  03:26

Totally, totally.

Morad Fiki  03:28

So, yeah, just you know, we carry about 20 listings at any given time, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. But, you know, I want I definitely want to double or triple that if I double or triple that. And not if but when I double or triple that this year, the sales volume will inevitably double or triple as well.

Chris Bounds  03:47

Because for every listing, you’re picking up a couple buyers off of that, right? And then every one of the like a certain percentage, whether it’s a third or half of those buyers have a house that they’re gonna sell and or someone that they know has a house that they’re gonna sell, right? Like, that’s the formula.

Morad Fiki  04:03

 Yeah, just there’s the word of mouth effect, you know, everybody that you help, everybody that you’re reached out to, the more contacts. Real estate is a contact sport. And that’s why there’s so many agents who are not successful because they don’t realize this is a contact sport.

You have to get out there, you have to talk to people, you have to network, you have to and specifically talk to people who are interested in buying or selling real estate. So, you know, if you’re scared and nervous about talking to people or you don’t want to get out there, you don’t want to make phone calls, this gonna be a tough business. Tough wire, you know, you really have to get out there.

Chris Bounds  04:04


Morad Fiki  04:31

45,000 agents in Houston.

Chris Bounds  04:46

Is that current? I heard that number a few years ago. I was thinking I was like, man, there’s gonna be more like double that now. Oh, yeah. And that’s actually just realtors. I think there’s a 80,000 because there’s so many agents that are unlicensed or not a part of the association but…

Morad Fiki  05:01

And they just want to hang their license do a deal here and there. That’s just not conducive to building a business.

Chris Bounds  05:09

Because ultimately what it comes down to because you just said to me, there’s a million realtors out there. How are you different? Like, I saw this on a Tik Tok. And it was an investor saying, talking to an agent. Now it was use a hypothetical conversation that he had. But basically, you’re saying like, you want to list my house? What makes you different than the 300 other realtors that I could talk to in 60 seconds like, but you need to know that answer, right?

Morad Fiki  05:35


Chris Bounds  05:35

And I’m sure if, you know, I had a $600,000 house that I wanted to own a list. And I asked you that question like, you know how to position yourself and provide that unique value proposition that sets you apart from books?

Morad Fiki  05:53

Oh, yeah, for sure. And that’s what you know, I live and work here in Memorial. I mean, I saw the entire Greater Houston area, and you know, all the way from Galveston to the woodlands to Lake Conroe. We have sales in Lake Conroe. Sugar Land, East Barnard, I can go on and on. But I live in Memorial, work Memorial, and a lot of the agents here Memorial have been around for 40 years.

Literally, I mean, they been here for 40 years, you know. And so when I’m meeting with someone, that question comes up, you know, why do I go with you over who’s been here for 40 years? And the answer is simple. It’s because I’m the new school. You know, XYZ has been doing this for 40 years, is gonna put it on heart, they’re gonna wait for the phone to ring, they’re gonna use the old school method that worked 40 years ago. I’m not saying it doesn’t work now.

But now with the advent of social media, I know for a fact that these agents don’t have the following that I have online. I have over 100,000 followers just on Instagram alone, you know, and I’m building this massive following. And they don’t use social media because it’s old school style.

Chris Bounds  07:00

A good point for the new agents because the new agents like, you’re gonna outwork the veterans because I ran a sales team. And I told that to new sales guys, like outside of real estate. It was an in house sales, phone sales. And I told him like, yeah, it’s new. It’s brand new sales agents that you will outperform the veterans because you don’t have all the mental blocks that they do. You don’t complain like they do. You’re hungry. You’re motivated. You’re excited, you will sell more than them.

Morad Fiki  07:29


Chris Bounds  07:30

Keep that.

Morad Fiki  07:32

And not just that, you know, I tell them, “Okay.  So, me and XYZ, we’re gonna race”, right? “We’re gonna do, we’re gonna race. They’re gonna run a mile, and I’m going two miles, who do you bet on?” And of course, they say, “Well, XYZ.” It’s like, “Okay, but what you don’t know is, I’m gonna be on a bicycle, but they’re gonna be running, and they’re gonna go a mile.

I’m gonna go two miles, who’s gonna win? Who do you bet? Oh, now you bet on me. Because I’m using a bicycle. I have leverage.” I said, that’s exactly what social media is. Social media is leverage. How can I build a following and reach way more people than this person who’s been here for 40 years?

It’s because I use leverage. And I use technology and technology is here to help us. So, me using technology and being savvy in the latest, greatest, advanced marketing strategies allows us to market your home in ways that others won’t do it.

Chris Bounds  08:30


Morad Fiki  08:30

You know, and I said, I respect so and so. And they’ve done great, but you know, we’re now it’s 2022. What are we gonna do differently that, you know, no one else is doing?

Chris Bounds  08:39

Well, I think you may pick up a client or two after this. All right. Hey, look forward to catching up with you at some of these networking events.

Morad Fiki  08:49

Yeah, man. Thanks for having me. This is great. Anytime you need me, let me know.

Chris Bounds  08:52

Certainly. Take care.

Morad Fiki  08:53

See you.

Jamie Bounds  08:54

Bye. Thank you for joining us.

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