Real Estate Investing And Wealth Building With eXp Realty

Brant Phillips is a highly successful real estate investor and Top Growth Leader with eXp Realty.
He has flipped hundreds of houses and owns several mobile home parks.

Brant joined eXp Realty to build wealth through the eXp stock program and passive income through eXp Revenue Share.

Watch as Brant shares how eXp Realty is helping him achieve his goals faster than ever before.


Chris Bounds  00:00

Brant, how are you? Hey, are you at the beach somewhere?

Brant Phillips  00:02

 What is up my friend? I’m not, I’m at Starbucks.

Chris Bounds  00:09

Starbucks? Okay.

Brant Phillips  00:10

I can hear you, can you hear me? 

Chris Bounds  00:13

I can hear you. Yeah, wasn’t sure if your at the beach, a mobile home park or what?  I’ll probably just have you on for 10 minutes. and that was gonna have you on for 20. I want to make sure I get all the content I can out of you, because you were the one introduced me to eXp. I’m very grateful that I was one of the first people that you called. For anyone who doesn’t know you, what is your business look like today?

Brant Phillips  00:45

First off, thanks for having me on. Thanks for all you do to help me in our agents. Can you hear me? Okay? Okay, good. There’s a little choppy on my site. Full time in a real estate investor I’ve started in real estate about 15 years ago, was former law enforcement for seven, eight years and then went into corporate world and hated it. So like so many people.

+I realized that climbing that corporate ladder was not for me. I started looking for other things, read Rich Dad Poor Dad and a dozen other books. As soon as I read that book it just opened up a whole new world for me. Within my first year I bought 10 rental properties. My first year in real estate started with no money, but use a credit card to buy my first property. Next year about 10 more rental properties and then went full time in 2009. Since 2009, not coincidentally got licensed as a real estate agent. It wasn’t for any intentions of being a-doing any traditional type of real estate stuff.

I just thought it was a wise to have my license as a real estate, non expert whatever, and a professional. Also, it was kind of head plans because I wanted to be a full time real estate investor. But leaving a full time job and I was a little bit nervous. I’m like, maybe I should get this license just in case. I had a good friend who is an agent. I was so busy building my investment portfolio.

I started flipping a lot of houses, code production company for about 10 years, and have been doing that, among other things. In the last few years, I’ve been sort of acquiring mobile parts, bought multiple mobile home parks and RV park. We’ve done subdivision developments, you name it all. And then, about three years ago, I had a very, very fortunate fortuitous situation where a mutual friend of ours (inaudible) brok. Me and (ianudible) just not a chance acquaintance. I was introduced the eXp and I liked it. I tried to poke holes in it, I don’t want to do it because I was busy.

I had actually deactivated my license because I wasn’t using it. I was like, if I’m gonna do this, I need a license to spend time in it. It was an opportunity honestly, like zero risk, tremendous opportunity for reward. I put action on it, years one ago today were one of the eXp and and you myself you are my one of my first agents and my first 90 you joined you saw it, you got it. We’ve been rocking and rolling ever since. 

Chris Bounds  04:10

I mean when you showed it to me it was a no brainer. I had no idea it was gonna evolve into what we’re experiencing right now. You explained it that way I don’t even know if you thought that but it still was a no brainer because it allowed you to build wealth and belt build passive income with your license.

I’m like cool as an investor. That’s what I do. No (inaudible), no passive income. I can do with my license, It’s no brainer, why not? I did and the rest is history. For other investors out there because there’s a ton of investors out there with like flat fee shops or they just don’t want to get licensed. Even some very successful-

Brant Phillips  04:58

as well was that person yours? 

Chris Bounds  05:01

I know, I know. What do you say to those investors? They’ve got good businesses, whether it’s a coaching business alongside their investing business, or they’re just all in investing. What do you say to them for them to actually starting to really consider what eXp realty can do for their business, as well as the eXp realty side of it.

Brant Phillips  05:27

They are open minded and I have a conversation and some (inaudible) nowhere. I spoke to agent investors, several years ago and people were very closed minded, they had their blinders on. They didn’t have an open mind and honestly, a lot of them make ads about eXp made jokes and things like that.

I was just, I believe them. Glenn Sanford, even in the model was me, my business and my family. I’ve continued the path and many people that weren’t open minded didn’t know a few years went on multiple, six figure, farm off revenue, I’ve got 11,000 shares of the company and y’all can see what the stock is trading at per share. It’s well over, my equity as well over happening with this company. Just because I had an open mind, I took some math.

That’s false people, that you and I both know that we’ve spoken to just because they didn’t have in mind is there’s a huge opportunity. What I would, what’s kind of thrown about with eXp and just my reality with it, my experience has been, is everything about eXp has been everything I thought it was going to be even better.

Like they’ve had medical benefits or some lead generation platforms and things like that. It’s been even better, but also something that you may (inaudible) that certainly could. But didn’t fully realize it, there’s knowledge, and there’s like, ideas and experience and all this, like, Oh, I experienced that it’s true. It’s really helped me grow my core business, right? Because what you and I’ve done is we’ve added value to agents, we’ve got a value to investors from their license, to pour into them.

What we know on how to-how to find deals, how to analyze deals, how to raise money, how to build a successful investing business, and through the course of that there have been agents who are applying what we do and say, Hey, Brant, Chris, I found this deal, can’t take it down. Are you interested? And we’ve been able to buy deals from other lending on the side. I’ve got five or six loans out right now, by my agents on our eXp team, we’re flipping houses. It is bringing me up and do the motorhome. It’s really help.

You know, it’s just been the synergistic days, where we’re helping other people grow their business, they’re plugging into eXp as well. We’re helping eXp out, we’re helping ourselves out, we’re helping them out. It’s just this win-win, win all the way through but it’s been my experience is that, not only is it embrace,  to build up the income stream and thing like that, that side business for you and our side hustle, but it helped at the exact same time.

Chris Bounds  08:55

Love it. Yeah. Being able to, it’s just that collaborative effect that we now have the opportunity and the vehicle to work so closely together with other agents and agent investors, help them grow their business and it’s just funny how you can see that just flow back and helps your business too, whether it’s referrals, deals, private money, opportunities, and all kinds of other stuff. Hey, I love it. Brant. Look forward to hanging out with you in Dallas next week with Tony Robbins with a lot of other top eXp agents. We’ll talk again soon!

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