Real Estate Tech Tools: Harnessing the Power of ChatGpt and AI for Success In Business

In this video, we delve into the world of real estate tech tools and explore how ChatGpt and AI are transforming the industry, leading to unprecedented success in business.

Join us as we uncover the power of these cutting-edge technologies and learn how real estate professionals can leverage them to stay ahead in the competitive market.

If you’re looking to elevate your business and embrace the future of real estate, this is a must-watch!

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Chris Bounds 00:00

What are some of the best tools that you’re seeing? Folks in the real estate industry? Whether realtors or investors use right now to take advantage of AI, or AI tools?

Brent Moreno 00:09

I mean, the most obvious one, and it’s it’s sad that I had to keep repeating this is obviously us chatting CBT every single day like spend 30 minutes on it every single day. Ask questions that you have that you don’t have answers to, right. I do this even still today weren’t like, I’m wondering, I’m sitting here going, I’m struggling through a problem. And I’m thinking about it. Oh, yeah, hold on. Let me just pop it in real quick and see what kind of advice it gives me. Whether a man doesn’t really matter what it is, it’s because you have to consider it. I can’t kind of consider like an expert in everything. I will hallucinate. So be sure you double check, you got to know a little bit about what what it’s talking about. Certainly not lying to you.

Chris Bounds 00:48

It’s like that friend that you can you can bounce an idea off of

Brent Moreno 00:52

correct. And I talked to it like that, like I literally my conversations are very fluid and conversational with the Chatbot. A lot of times, just because I’m working through ideas, I’m working through problems I’m having, whether it be you know, even just a mental hurdle, or, you know, feeling a little down about something like it begins there to remind you, like, you know, here’s the steps to kind of get out of this. Here’s the steps to do this. As a matter of fact, like, you know, I didn’t I didn’t know anything about coding. I mean, I didn’t didn’t know a little bit like I played around with some Python and hacking and stuff like that in my earlier days.

But I didn’t really know much I kind of lost interest in it when I got into marketing. And then I went into real estate and came back and like now chat, GBT is like I’ve already built two little fun side projects, literally in the day. So if I just have an idea, I can kind of whip it up, especially in a foreign base. I can whip something up and throw it out there and just kind of you know, see if anybody’s interested in and spawn like fun little projects to do. Like, I created a Pong in like, 30 minutes. No one really I pretended like I knew absolutely nothing about coding, and had it walk me through the process. And I’ve created the game Pong, Tetris, Flappy Bird, all those things in like 30 minutes,

Chris Bounds 02:10

something that took my mind some teams of people to do 30 years I can the ad,

Brent Moreno 02:15

right. Yeah, it I mean, it took, you know, an entire year or two years to develop it. Back then. And now you know, oh, somebody doesn’t know anything about anything just can come on and just create it.

Chris Bounds 02:26

And I did that too. I asked chat GPT to write me a write the code to a simple social media app. And it wrote code. Not I don’t know what it did. I didn’t test it out. But it was pretty, it was pretty cool to see it do that in 10 seconds. Also, I couldn’t watch the teacher. I asked this is when Chad GTB first came out. So she was formerly a history teacher history teacher before going into the business and now she’s back with her kids private school.

But I asked him to write a 500 word essay on George Washington, and then spit it out in like five seconds and I printed it out. And I asked her I say hey, read this. And she read it. I was like, Okay, how accurate is that? She was against that’s pretty accurate. I was like, yeah, that took three seconds. Yeah, three, three seconds. Teacher had on like, she really, really doesn’t like that. Brittany, I that.

Brent Moreno 03:29

That’s another tangent was what I was gonna wonder is like, what sort of schools take on it? We have some schools that are sitting here saying we’re banning it. Schools isn’t saying that we’re banning chat. CBT is like, like banning calculators. Everyone talks about well, you’re not always gonna have a calculator in your pocket.

Chris Bounds 03:46

Or, or your your Apple Watch. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it’s, it’s like it’s computers to, like, our parents didn’t have computers. Now, every single classroom today, they have computers, and many of them have tablets. So like, I could use this. It’s like you have we have highways and road systems. But what’s underneath those? It’s a it’s another word system.

So computer language today, you can it’s a lot easier to learn because you don’t have to learn ones and zeros. Like all everything with computer language today is just a simpler version breaks it down to something more complicated, more complicated, and it breaks it all down to ones and zeros. That’s what Chet GPT does. And ultimately, it’s going to take the skills of the person to input the information to get the best results out because bad in bad out. Veteran better out

Brent Moreno 04:45

right? Yeah, absolutely. I’m a firm believer chat. GPT is not cheating. Obviously. You can use it for like Blyton writing and the school should be adopting this to learn how to use it and implement it because they’re never going to there’s never gonna be a day in their life where they don’t have access to it. That makes any sense. Our education systems just so outdated. And it’s, it’s absurd, we haven’t really changed much since the Industrial Revolution, when we were just focused on making sure they know math and cotton, you know, basic skills so they can go work in a factory somewhere. We have it all wrong. And that’s the reason why we’re so far down the totem pole when it comes to education and on the global economy.

But here’s the future that I tell everyone is that the one in the right of which we’re moving, because now everything is language, like I mentioned earlier, if you can describe it, you can build it. And that’s everything from applications to products, whatever. If you can describe it well enough, you can build it. And that’s where I feel like a lot of people will lack and like, you know, they try to chat GPT and I’m like, Oh, I use it for my listing. And it sucked it got the numbers of beds and bathrooms like what of course it’s not connected to the internet and it knows nothing about it nor what I want it to. But if you want it to create a good, a good listing description, then you need to get really good at prompting it to give you the answer that you want.

So what did I do I created like a little form that agents can go to and they just go you know, click a few buttons answer a few questions. I think it’s like 10 questions, they can set the tone of it. And I’ve researched some of the best real estate listing copywriters and I’ve added their, their, their text to it. So whenever you spit it out, like you’re getting an expert, copyright copywritten listing description, in a matter of seconds, versus sitting there at the screen going, Kara What am I going to write on this house like it’s got a pool, lovely sparkling poo

Chris Bounds 06:49

is the worst thing I like, I hate it. Like you 99% of my real estate license business has been my own listings, like my own investments. But oh, it’s like the same thing. I don’t know how to make it. And then you read like really good agents that have good copywriting skills you like read that I’m like, I want to buy that house. It just did. Very well. worded so. But I have used Chet GPT for the first one. I was like, Oh, gee, I wish this was around. Whenever I was flipping at scale, it would have made things a lot easier for me. But yeah, so that email subject lines I’ve used it for. I’ve used it for entire social media posts. So something that I know what I want to talk about. So if I want to say let’s say in this case, how chat GTP is impacting real estate, then I can put it in there, and then I’ll see what it spreads out. And then you make adjustments from there hay, and like you said, talking to it, I’m like, focus more on boom, and then it spits out another response. And then it gives me a good thoughtful piece of content to post I’ll do it with email subject lines.

Brent Moreno 08:00

Yeah, that’s um, that’s essentially like my I write a lot. I’m not a big I wish I was better at video and putting videos together because I’d imagined I’d have you know, 1000s of more followers. But I love to write always have what this has done for me, it’s allowed me to write much quicker. Everything that you read for me is not is not AI generated in the sense that I just asked you to write me something. I start with a baseline and I just basically create an outline. I’m like, here’s some things I’m talking about. I don’t worry about grammar, don’t worry about structure and worry about any of that. Then I ask them to clean it up. I give it a tone. It’s a polished. Yeah, it’s a I polish, but I treat it like a freelancer, right. So if I was going to hire a copywriter, like here’s, here’s my goal, like, here’s what I’m trying to accomplish.

Here’s my idea. Here’s my thought, I give it to it, it spits it back out and what, you know, I kind of like that. I don’t like what you said this, you add some more of this to it. This is what I’m really trying to get at like and then and then I’ll ask it like, hey, shooted holes in this word, what what do I have that’s wrong with this message? Like, how can I make sure that it’s perfect, and no one could argue it? And it’ll give me some argument points. And then I’ll go and research some of those and I’ll put those in there. I bet not every single post that I do that but every single post that I start with all has my fingerprints on it because it’s all my ideas. It’s all it’s all my thought process written out and and basically an outline structure that I feed in the chat GBT and it spits it back. I’m like, perfect.

I do that like so I have a local Facebook group here that has like 100 Some 1000 members in it. Because we’re we live in a tourist town. And we go doing restaurant reviews. So like I play around with it every now and then. And I’ll just like your Anthony Bourdain, and it’ll spit out like this is like boy, I definitely did not use those sad words. To like, dumb it down a little bit. But like it spits out these amazing restaurant reviews because it literally legit I can I can read it and I can just hear Anthony Bourdain reading it

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