Realtor Video Marketing Tips

As a Realtor, if you want to provide more value in your content – more video is the answer.

The good news is you can be creative, entertaining, and/or educational without fancy equipment or a perfectly rehearsed skit.

Be you and show your audience what they want to see – real estate, the community, and of course, you!


Chris Bounds 05:44

You said in the beginning being different, and you’re clearly doing that in the video around. Actually, I’m gonna go a different direction. How do you see video plane, as a marketing strategy for real estate, say five years from now. Is it an option anymore?

Colin Cameron 06:02

Yeah. It’ll totally be an option. I think really, when you create video content outside of identifying who your audience is and those kind of things. You need to be aware of what the market is and what content is needed. If you’ve noticed Chris, I’m not really doing any listing videos right now. Why? Because we don’t really need them right now. Houses are gone in 24-48 hours, everybody knows this. That’s, the entire country right now. That’s everybody.

For me to sink two hours XYZ cost into doing that, it might get me more listings, it might get me more noticed. But really what I’m focusing on right now is my evergreen content. What is the content that I can create right now, get noticed right now and carry over for a year, two, three years from now. Is what can I create in this moment to keep me front and center, tomo, top of mind association for people, while still putting out content?

Chris Bounds 06:53

That’s pretty powerful because, whether it’s video, whether it’s a graphic post, or live chat Q&A.  Like that stuff’s, on there forever. You sent into direct mail, it’s in front of them for 15 seconds before it’s thrown in the trash. I’ve always equated this to like fishing lines. Like you can go fishing and put one line in the water, you might catch something. You may have to throw it a few times. You could put over time, doing two a week like Jennifer Hernandez and I don’t know your frequency. Over years where you’ve got 115 lines in the water, like what are the chances those are going to start catching some big fish?

Colin Cameron 07:36

Correct. And the beauty of video content is you never know the entire scope of who you’re reaching. Right? People that are watching and are watching it because they like you, they’ve started to follow you. It’s really when you’re creating that much content and on a consistent basis, you’re sowing your seeds for harvest for down the road.

A lot of people want to create a video and be like, I didn’t get a lead this month so it’s not working. No, that’s not how it works. This is two, three year, down the road kind of stuff. I have a healthy pipeline right now because people call me because I’ve been consistent about my content. Not because they saw one video that’s very rare.

Chris Bounds 08:14

In like the last 60 seconds we have. Has there been something, that you created a video or any content that you’re just like, you didn’t think anything about it. Then all of a sudden, for some reason it just got – you just totally did not estimate or appreciate the amount of response you’d get off of some other type of video. It didn’t seem special to you, but it definitely connected with your audience.

Colin Cameron 08:44

Yeah. I’ll tell you the best type of content you can create is the one where you’re about to hit published, and you’re like-I don’t know how this is going to do. When you have that fear hip check, it’s actually probably something you should hit published on. Unless, of course, it’s greedy, gross, whatever. But, nine times out of ten that piece of content if the thing that’s going to propel you.

There are two pieces of content I did like that, that really made me stand out in my marketplace. I did them probably three years ago. One of them is called, You know, you’re from Hanover, if. Which has been replicated in all kinds of markets and all it was was quirky things about my town sound together. It got shared like 4000 times, not not a joke. That was hyper, hyper local content. The other piece that I did in tandem that I never thought about was I did a piece called, I’m not the agent for you.

I literally espouse the things that I didn’t like. That I didn’t want to work with XYZ and it was stupid stuff. Like if you don’t like stopping to get ice cream in between showings, I’m probably not the agent for you. What that did is it made me approachable. It made me human. Humanizing yourself in this business is a big, big, big deal. You don’t have to wear a shirt and tie. You want to be the person who’s the person can sit down with you and have a coffee or a beer and feel comfortable. And the very, very last thing I’ll give you Chris and I’m going to echo on the last person was here.

Agents Do not take the time to educate their clients. When you take on a listing and you’re charging them 5-6% whatever it is, and it’s $30,000. You need to take an hour, you need to explain the paperwork, you need to explain the process, and that is how you’re going to win all day is to empower your people.

Chris Bounds 10:14

Love it, love it. If you’re not following Colins, Facebook group RE TV it’s definitely great. Look forward to chatting with you again and maybe getting together, whenever we get some of these live events back together or shareholders event. Otherwise, it’s been a pleasure.

Colin Cameron 10:31

Thank you Bounds.

Chris Bounds 10:32

Thank you Colin. Liked your videos are so funny.

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