Social Media Marketing Trends For 2022

In this video, we are going to talk about the social media marketing trends for 2022.

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Chris Bounds  00:00

What trends are you seeing right now in video marketing, social media marketing?

Erica  00:05

Well, I’ve been telling everybody this recently, the CEO of Instagram announced that he’s going to start pushing out original creator content on Instagram reels, which is a huge deal for people who are educating, providing value, teaching and explaining things related to, providing relatable and resonating content on Instagram reels. They’re now favoring it in a way that it’s being pushed to the top of reels news feeds, which is huge for people who are trying to market their service market their properties market, their YouTube channels, or whatever it is. I don’t know about a trend but that’s the latest and greatest incredible breakthrough specially for for social media, business owners.

Chris Bounds  00:54

Yeah, I mean, I’d say shorter form content because busy entrepreneurs. One things that burns people on social media early on is thinking they have to constantly make 10 to 15 minute videos are edited and high quality and to knock out a 32nd Tik Tok video is gonna get out there pretty quickly. Tik Tok is, one of the unique things is that, being able to run an organization as large as I do. I get a lot data, I get to see what people are doing, what works, who’s scaling business, who’s crushing what they’re using, and a lot of people are moving towards Tik Tok right now.

I’m not on Tik Tok personally, but a lot of our agents are doing very well. Some of them are brand new agents doing 10’s of millions of dollars in sales off of Tik Tok. Some are growing the organizations. The reason why trending, trends tend to go towards new platforms and new social media sites is because the organic reach that these new platforms provide for you when you start out on new platform. if you look out in this audience, there’s X amount of people in this room, you’re all awake X amount hours a day.

You’re only going to consume X amount education of content a day. It has to be scattered out and dispersed across all the different platforms, right? If you start a new social media platform today, and you’re trying to compete against the big ones. Facebook, YouTube, I guess not social platform, but all the big ones, right? How are you going to get people to spend as creators their time to put content on your site and how are you going to get people that watch content to come over to your site?

Well, for the creators, you make it very easy to get expansion and rapid growth with your content, so that they put more time over there, so they make the organic reach meaning without having to spend money or without having to really pay for leads, grow very quickly. You’re seeing kids in our organization put out their first Tik Tok video and it could get a million views where if they put that video on YouTube, you get 50. It’s because Tik Tok is promoting new content creators, trying to have them successful. So that they get more excited to put more content on Tik Tok. That makes sense.

Erica  02:37

You know, one thing that I always like to point out because I work with clients one on one and we discuss the breakdown of social media. For those of you that don’t know, let me explain the phenomenon of Tiktok and Instagram reels, specifically for those of you that don’t know. With the way that social media platforms has been created for their users, is, let’s say that we are all the world of ABC social media company. Okay, we all add each other and when we post content, I’m only going to see your stuff, I am not going to see anybody else unless I add you as a friend and we bring more people in. Not the only way that our content is going to be visible on social media. That was what it was intended for.

That’s what it was. That’s what it was created to do. Then here comes Tik Tok and Tik Toks. The way that it presented content was it could be anybody in the world would show up on your newsfeed. You did not have to be friends with them, you didn’t know that they existed before and now all of a sudden, you’re seeing this incredible amount of creativity and originality that you would have never seen before because you’re not friends with them on social media. And it blew up so much so.

The President or excuse me, the CEO of Disney took over Tik Tok. Like it was a phenomenon and then Instagram was like, Okay Queen, I see you. I’m adding that now. Now I’m going to incorporate that and so that’s where Instagram reels came in the build out of it so that you see other people’s content and you don’t have to be friends with them is now established as a new news feed in Instagram. So for those of you that don’t know, I just want to clarify that for you. That’s why it’s such a phenomenon and that’s why your reach is insane.

Chris Bounds  04:25

That’s a great point. Like coming into the cold market with strangers, think about the risk of time, like you guys just don’t want to waste your time on anything. If you’re on YouTube, and you’re seeing an average of 15 minute videos being put out versus a 30 seconds Tik Tok video, my risk to follow your video the first time is 30 seconds versus 15 minutes which one like that’s also I think movie theaters are struggling and box blockbusters are struggling because who wants to risk two hours to get into a bad movie 15 minutes in and say this sucks.

I don’t and now they’re going to commit to it. Whereas YouTube, a little bit shorter form 15-30 minutes, maybe shorter videos, but on these platforms they’re getting out in the cold market organically reaching out. Have strangers who don’t know you watch for 30 seconds to see if I like this person. You’re gonna get way more people to kind of experiment with their time watching a stranger, which leads to more people likely to say, hey, this person’s actually pretty good. Maybe watch another video to create a long term follower.

Erica  05:14

And to add to the trend question, because that was the original-Another term authenticity, we want authenticity, we don’t want to see these publicly made or not publicly, professionally made, videos that’s not trending right now. They just want to see you with your cell phone, and you’re like shaken, and then you look like they want to see you be authentic. So that you’re relatable. The second you portray this perfect person that never messes up, you are no longer relatable, you are up there. Right, and we don’t do bit, those people are so far out of our reach. But when you bring it down and become authentic and genuine, it’s much more approachable, and it’s much more consumed.

Chris Bounds  05:57

That can be very strange to observe for someone who’s an older millennial or Gen Y. Just because everything we consumed growing up, is all polished and it’s professional. But I literally, I don’t see it as much now because Tik Tok is figured, I don’t want to watch these. But early on, I would see Realtors, ladies, like literally foam they’re, there in their bathroom doing their makeup. They’re talking about like the showings they have um, and you can see like all the likes all the all the hearts and all the comments. I’m like, Who on earth would want to watch this? But I mean, it’s I don’t want to watch it. It’s fake, but she’s got 1000s of other people. You know you’re taking a weekend job-he’s been there are people who they love that authenticity. Which actually goes back to the, the comments we were talking about earlier is don’t judge yourself because you never know someone on the other side but they’re getting so much value out of that.

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