The Biggest Mistake Real Estate New Agents Make

New real estate agents are eager and excited to get their first deal.
They are even more excited for that deal to be a good one.

With that mindset they oftentimes turn down smaller business like leases that can serve as the foundation for long-term success in this business.


For a lot of people looking to get into this market right now there’s a ton of agents, you have to try to find an in. I think everybody has a different in has something different, that’s going to work for them. For me back in 2012, when I got licensed my in was just trying to start and have some type of social presence. I started creating profiles on different websites, combine that with going after every single lead that goes out, that came my way.

The issue that I see a lot of agents have right now that I speak to is that they’re always waiting for that one big opportunity, that one big lead, they’re waiting for that million dollar buyer, million dollar listing, and they’re missing out on smaller opportunities that would make sense at that moment. Because you have the bandwidth when you’re new, all you have is time. You have to focus it on going after leads, regardless of the size.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a lease or it’s a small buyer looking to buy $100,000 property, my first commission check was on a property that I purchased that I helped the client purchase for $24,000. It was nothing but I went after it and I worked hard on it and just escalated from there. I think going after every single lead that you can go after regardless of the size and not focusing on that big well, that you’re looking at to capture and combine that with just spending time on what’s going to work for you. What’s your in.

Whether that’s doing videos, whether that’s creating an amazing website, or if it’s working with investors, or door knocking your neighborhood. Whatever that in is that you think you have, you need to spend time on it. Double, triple down on it and just constantly spend time on it. Realize that those seeds you’re planting are not going to give you a return, in weeks. It’s going to take months and it could take quarters to get there. Just stay constant and very aware of that. 

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