The Future with AI: Should SEO Marketers Worry?

In this video, we delve into the intriguing intersection of the future and artificial intelligence, raising a critical question:

Should SEO marketers be concerned? As technological advancements continue to reshape the digital landscape, SEO professionals find themselves facing a myriad of challenges and opportunities.

Join us on a journey through the evolving realm of AI and its implications for SEO strategies.

We’ll explore the dynamic landscape, assess the potential impact on traditional SEO practices, and discuss proactive measures to navigate the future successfully.

Whether you’re an experienced SEO marketer or someone curious about the transformative power of AI, this video provides valuable insights into the ongoing debate about the role of AI in shaping the future of digital marketing.


Chris Bounds  00:00

I think there’s a very short window period that SEO marketers can exploit. Now that we have checked TTP, and by short, I don’t know if this is six months or 18 months, it’s less than a year probably, yeah, it’s pretty tight. But if you are an SEO marketer, and you leverage chat, Jeep, and GTP, for your blog content, or organic, social content that’s searchable. So think YouTube headlines and descriptions and all that stuff, then you’ve got a very short window of time before the avalanche of content starts overwhelming everything and then just like social, it’s going to become whose best? You gotta really, really short window time time period. Any thoughts there? Yeah, so

Brent Moreno  00:54

I made this comment. I think yesterday or day before yesterday as like, it’s never been easier to write with SEO than it is now. Because there’s tools. I know Devin Wayne, I follow him a good bit. He’s always pretty much in the weeds when it comes to SEO. I think he, I think that there are a lot of people that kind of have blinders on is like, oh, you know, SEO is not going anywhere. Like it’s always going to be there, even if it’s in an AI chat, like it’s going to show up and like and while that is true, but it’s understanding what that is and what the future looks like, things are going to ship tremendously out already. My user behaviors have changed tremendously, like I very rarely go to Google for anything anymore.

Why would I have I have quick to the point answers that I need right in front of me, at least as long as it’s, you know, relevant that 2021 With now, they’ve already connected it to the internet. So I have, you know, have that access to your relevant news and updates now. But here’s, here’s the process. If you want to win an SEO, you get a tool, you could use chat, GBT, it’s just gonna take you longer. If you want it to sound human, you need to learn prompting a little bit better. Don’t just say write me a blog post about how I can buy houses that are facing foreclosure and how it can save you like it needs, you need to learn how to structure it and what SEO content good SEO content looks like. But if you’re already in the SEO game, and you’ve been working on it, you’ve been chugging away and kind of feeling like you’re getting nowhere. And you understand how to structure those articles. You can use tools that are readily available, gathers probably hundreds of them now, to go and find all relevant keywords for your competitors for your local market, all this stuff.

And then it will literally create hundreds of blogs a day, that can be posted to your website, then take that content, throw it into a product like Wonder craft that will then turn it into like a voiceover narrated podcast type style, then take that and put it into the script or to a video tool that then creates a video using images or whatever to go throw that on YouTube. So now you’re being omnipresent. What use would take you years to create all that content can now take you minutes. So creating content right now is by far the easiest and best way to use you know tools like chat, GBT and AI. And I know everyone’s kind of hounding on that. And we’re like, well, we’re looking. Everyone wants something like so new and innovative and crazy was like, Well, I just want you know, to be able to hit a button and you know, have hundreds of houses that were ready to sell come to my kind of my door. That’s not necessarily the way things are. We’re not moving towards that direction yet.

Chris Bounds  03:33

We never will just because of competition, like right now the early movers. Yeah, early movers who are early movers, just like very good, knowing what it is and how to exploit it. They will know, that short window we were

Brent Moreno  03:48

2017 I got out of texting in 2020. Not to say that I told everyone I was like, texting still works. It still works great. I said, however, there’s just too many loopholes that are constantly having to jump through. I already know people who’ve been popped as like, I don’t, I don’t really want to play that game. And plus, it’s just it’s it’s too many people were doing it at one time. Now. I mean, if you own property, God knows how many text messages you get a day. Like

Chris Bounds  04:15

my spam blocker is on like high. So if if you’re not in my context, good luck.

Brent Moreno  04:21

Yeah, that’s the thing carriers are getting wise to it. Right. So like, the new iOS updates, if you get a text message that seemed like it could be spam, they immediately have a button now that says report is junk. So now your your numbers flagged you have to rotate those numbers out. Now rotating numbers out doesn’t really work that way, because you have to register your numbers. It’s just getting harder and harder and harder. So like, like any good marketer, you always have to kind of be zigging and zagging and looking for the next next thing.

I am not a huge proponent of you know, mass cold outreach. I’m just not because I feel like it’s it’s too knowing it’s essentially spam, nobody wants to watch you take your phone call, if I want to sell my house, I’ll call you. Or I’ll text you, or I’ll go to your website or whatever. Now, granted, I’ve gotten a lot of deals, cold calling, and a lot of deals, texting. But it’s not on a scale where I upload, you know, 1000 numbers, and I hit those in a day. It’s just not, that’s just not who I am. Personally, I believe we’re headed toward a future where it’s all permission based marketing, meaning you are not allowed to reach out to me in any way shape or form unless I’ve explicitly given you permission to do so. And that’s, that’s going to wreck a lot of things.

We’ve already seen a lot of tech companies that have been backing out and having to pull out and not offer their services anymore. Now, God knows how many people have been sued over the whole cold calling, using, you know, triple line dialer and stuff like that. Because everyone’s argument, it’s like, it’s a very gray area. I’m not I’m not selling anything I’m offering to buy. And that’s all I’m gonna hold on. Yeah, yeah.

Chris Bounds  06:03

With you, that’s why I never really went heavy down that path. One is just not my comfort zone. And but anyway, so yeah, there is that short time period where yeah, if you learn it, just like early people on YouTube, early people on Facebook, who really went after Facebook pages, or early people on pay per click, and Google, they were buying ridiculously high price keywords today, but they were buying them for like two cents. Like, they win. And then they go on to the next thing when everyone else is like, ooh, pay per click

Brent Moreno  06:35

my problem. I can’t help but when I can’t help it open my big mouth and something’s working. Like I tell everyone because one, I know 90% of people aren’t going to do it. Anyways. I was doing PPC in 2017 in South Carolina when I first got started. And I was cleaning. I mean, immediately, as soon as I turned it on, I was getting phone calls and web submissions like crazy. I was like, This is freaking great. And I think I was only spending like $2,000 a month. Yeah. And everyone kept I’d go to the RIA meetings, it was like, Well, how are you getting like so many properties like bro, PPC, like I didn’t really know anything about PPC, and then I just like, kind of use their templates and said, alright, you know, he let’s try this out. And next thing I know, like I was spending $10,000 a month. But it was okay, I was still getting the same amount of deals where they were just costing me more.

Chris Bounds  07:25

Yeah. And that’s just the evolution doesn’t matter what you do this is happening. So ultimately, you’ve got to make the decision. Do you want to learn this and be ahead of it? Or are you just gonna let it roll over you and try to adapt in a very powerful way that that’s coming over your business. So that’s gonna happen anyway. But there’s one other aspect here. And this is what I really like about the SEO side. Because, ultimately, SEO right now is me trying to go out there and attract you through keywords. But eventually, AI is going to have a pretty good intelligence on what’s good and bad out there in the marketplace and good and bad.

I’m thinking more reputation based. So it will not require me going to a computer or going into my phone or going into my iPad to type in. When I’m in San Diego for a conference, Hey, what are pizza places around me? I can just pay Alexa order pizza and then it already knows that local shop that’s a half mile around the corner this guy 1500 4.7 star reviews, and they have a special on Supreme for 1199. So boom, like done. Yeah. So that’ll that’ll happen. The same thing with real estate is you like who are the top real estate agents in sugar, land taxes, like and then boom, it’s gonna go boom, boom, boom. Would you like to phone numbers? Would you like me to send an email for you?

Brent Moreno  09:00

I mean, you go even deeper the AI would know your, your preferences and like what you like and the type of people you’d like to deal with? Yeah, you want to order massage? And they know foods that you like, I mean, like, all these things will be

Chris Bounds  09:13

for a massage. Like, they know I’m not gonna I mean, it’d be a lot for a lot of guy massage. So it’s probably gonna say, All right, well, we’ve got Jane, Sally and Callum like, and these are their times are available.

Brent Moreno  09:28

Right? I do think we’ll have like some type of Jarvis in the next five years. And I’m not the only one that says that we might we’ll probably reach it even sooner than that. So it makes you wonder that’s why I was my post about SEO the other day was like these things could go in so many different directions. We might come to a point in time where we’re not, you know, relying on going to a computer to even do anything or search for anything. So what does that future look like and not the I mentioned the fact that we’re already introducing, you know, chatbots into search.

And they’re, you know, they’re putting ads there, which, you know, it’s user behaviors have to change a lot before we get there, but I think they’re changing fast enough. So we have to wonder, like, how do I end up in that AI chat? Like, how do I how does my business end up there? without paying for it? Is there any SEO things that I can do that that put me in that spot? So matter of fact, I use Bing chat the other day, I want to sell my house in Alabama, for cash. And it mentioned there was a couple small mom and pops, but it mentioned some eye buyers. And then it said, however, typical local investors, lowball you. And if you want to, if your house is in decent condition, you’ll get a better offer from my buyer.

Chris Bounds  10:54

So, yeah, think about that. And, yeah, so you’ve been completely if you’re a local wholesaler, at that level, which that level is very small right now. Like it’s, I’m thinking level as far as integration with technology and information, like, two, three years from now, it’s gonna be massively more like you’re at a business. You’re, you just don’t make money. So you have to adapt. And that’s gonna require putting in your 10 hours, 20 hours of research over the next few months, taking an hour hour here, hour there. And then beyond that, just maybe 30 minutes a week just reading up on some headlines on what’s going on in implementing this, because if you don’t, you’re gonna get left behind.

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