The Real Estate Game Has Changed For Both Buyers And Sellers

COVID has changed the real estate game for both buyers and sellers.

Buyers today are more realistic and forgiving of smaller issues that used to hold them back from pursuing a home.

Sellers on the other hand are enjoying a hot market with multiple offers and few to no contingencies.


Chris Bounds 00:02

In these leads that you’re getting, is there any behavioral trends that you’re seeing that’s a little different this year versus in prior year? Because you’ve been in the industry while you’ve seen a lot of change possibly in needs, wants and desires. Is there anything that you maybe would say not as unique but also kind of understandable of what buyers or sellers are looking for now?

Chris Lesak 00:33

I think the thing of buyers are looking for. One, I think buyers are the most realistic they’ve ever been. I think the the previous guests kind of touched on that as they it as an agent, you need to help keep them stay focused, but I think they’re very realistic. They’re like, “Hey, there’s no inventory. If we see something we like, we have to act. There’s no more that, “Oh, we’re gonna wait a couple days and submit an offer.” No, we’re gonna submit the offer in the house, possibly. Or go do it right after which technology helps you DocuSign and stuff like that.

But we’re seeing buyers have the sense of urgency that they’ve always needed to have. That’s a really good thing. There’s no more of “Hey, let’s think about it. This house works for me. Let’s make an offer or let’s go to the next one.” I really like that. As far as sellers, as much as we’ve been able to push the price sellers are actually being realistic about their prices.

I think that’s why stuffs moving even faster and faster is because sellers are going like, “Hey, I know things are moving fast. There’s not a lot of inventory.” But they’re like, “I think this is where we need to be on price.” I’m not having to fight with sellers on price at all. I’m really liking that so we have realistic buyers, realistic sellers and I think that’s why the market keeps moving at the speed that it’s moving. I like that. That’s a good place to be in the market.

Chris Bounds 02:01

Yeah sellers. They’ve got a nice home, moving ready and the price is right. That’s when you see three days on market.

Chris Lesak 02:10


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