“What gets measured gets managed.”

Recently, I was fortunate to learn from Keith Cunningham, author of The Road Less Stupid (a book I highly recommend), at Tony Robbins Business Mastery.

For about three hours Keith broke down accounting and financial statements like I had never seen before.

While I cannot outline everything in this article I want to highlight one key point that he made.

This impacts every aspect of your business!

  1. Management makes decisions
  2. Decisions create activities
  3. Activities result in numbers
  4. Numbers are measured

Repeat steps 3 and 4 as a feedback loop, continuously measuring results (numbers), then changing activities to results.

Numbers simply measure the results of previous activities.

Low sales numbers? What activities do you need to adjust or change in order to increase sales?

Low cash flow? What activities do you need to adjust or change in order to increase cash flow?

Expenses high? What activities do you need to adjust or change in order to decrease expenses or increase profit as a percentage of expenses?

Ultimately, by keeping a close eye on your activities you will have tremendous control over your results.