“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” –

This quote by Jim Rohn highlights the impact that our relationships have on our lives and the significance of proximity.

Sitting in a room of around 200 business owners and fund managers I was reminded of just how important that is.

The importance of surrounding yourself with people who bring out the best in you has also been emphasized Tony Robbins when he said:

“Proximity is power! If you want to have an extraordinary life surround yourself with people who make you better.”

Surround yourself with positive, motivated, and successful people and their influence will impact you.

You will find yourself adopting similar attitudes and behaviors.

The opposite is also true.

If you spend time with negative and apathetic people, you will struggle to achieve your goals.

You must be intentional about the relationships you cultivate and the people you let into your life.

Of course, this does not mean that you have to completely cut ties with people you know who aren’t highly success driven.

Instead, it’s about being mindful of the relationships you have and spending time with those that bring out the best in you.

You can elevate your life own and become the best version of yourself by surrounding yourself with positive, supportive, goal-driven people.